If any of your personal possessions are stolen, lost or damaged due to events like a flood, fire or break-in, contents insurance will cover them.
With Policy Expert’s different products, you can choose the level of cover that suits you best. All of their contents cover includes (up to a level which depends on your chosen product) pedal cycles, money and personal liability. Standard policies will provide cover for any typical household contents you keep in your home and will allow you to choose your amount up to £100,000.
Accidental damage cover will protect items like mirrors against mishaps, while some policies will also cover electrical items such as your TV, desktop PCs and games consoles. If your home is deemed uninhabitable, meanwhile, you’ll be provided with alternative living accommodation — even if you don’t have buildings insurance with them.
Your home contents and any high-risk items you may have will be covered as standard, with limits ranging from £10,000 to £30,000. You can cover individual items worth up to £15,000, while there’s no need for you to specify items worth less than £2,000. Take out contents insurance through us as save with our Policy Expert cashback deals.