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Ever dreamt of owning a racehorse? The glamour, the access, the winning feeling of cheering on your runner from the owner’s enclosure. Experience your love of horse racing from a totally unique angle with shares starting from £49.

It’s a dream for many sports fans but joining the ultra-exclusive racehorse ownership club is just that for most people – a dream. Well, until now that is. Sunday Racing has changed all that with their revolutionary Sunday Racehorse Ownership Syndicate that aims to bring the experience of owning a racehorse to everyone for a fraction of the cost.

With shares prices starting from as little as £49, their aim is to bring you, the racing fan, as close as possible to your horse through content and video updates via the AllAboutSunday app. The Sunday app provides you with all the content and data you need to know how well your horse is training. The unique tracking device and heart monitor will provide you with speed and performance data relating to your horse when they’re working. You will be able to watch your horse working live on the app and afterwards receive data relating to the horse’s stride length, speed, acceleration as well as much more. It’s the first device of its kind in racing. For you to see, first hand, how your horse is performing.

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