If you need to, in most cases, items can be returned within three days of delivery or 30 days after being shipped if the delivery date is not traceable.
If the item is still covered by an active warranty, they will refund the delivery cost of returning it to them. If you discover an item is broken on arrival, you will need to contact them within three days of receiving it. They may ask you to send it back, along with any accessories, such as cables, chargers and batteries, though they will cover the cost of this.
If an item turns out to be faulty, meanwhile, you should provide them with proof in the form of photos of the front and back of the packaging, partial shipment slips (if applicable) and photos, videos, screenshots or descriptions of the defective item and defect or defective area.
If it is returned within 90 days, the item will be replaced for free or you will be refunded, while if it is between 90 and 180 days from shipping, the item will be repaired, if possible. If you are sent the wrong item, you will need to contact the customer service team and provide them with proof of the error. They will then replace it.