Berghaus believe the difference between enjoying the outdoors and truly loving it is having great kit. One of the leading outdoor brands, they have more than 50 years of experience in creating clothing and equipment which is built to stand the test of time, no matter whether you are climbing mountains, trekking, camping or walking in wind, rain or sunshine.
Their products will protect you, no matter which outdoor activities you enjoy doing, and are loved by athletes, adventurers and those just wanting to enjoy their leisure time. Whether you are looking for Berghaus jackets, footwear or accessories, you can save with our cashback deals if you sign up via this page, while they also offer free standard delivery with every Berghaus sale.

Clothing Range
The Berghaus range of clothing will keep you dry, warm and comfortable in all conditions, regardless of what you are doing outside. Both their men's clothing and women's clothing collections are packed full of innovative materials and features to keep water out, warmth in and which will also allow your body to breathe.
The range of Berghaus jackets includes men's waterproof jackets offering GORE-TEX and their own 100% waterproof fabric, Hydroshell. You will also discover insulated jackets, which will help ensure you stay warm thanks to their superior insulation, and softshell jackets.
If it is too warm for a jacket but too cold for just going out in a T-shirt, their range of fleeces, hoodies and gilets could be right up your street, while their base layers will work with the movements of your body. Buy T-shirts and shorts for trail running or rambling and trousers for climbing, trekking or skiing. Whether you are looking for a waterproof jacket or other clothing, you can search by size, colour or technology to get the perfect gear for you.