It has been a long 12 months, and we are sure that this Easter won’t be like any other. But hopefully this Spring we will see many new beginnings. So, in that spirit whether you are celebrating on your own, with family or with friends we have got you covered on what fun activities you can get up to this Easter with a little bit of cashback to be earnt too of course.
Easter Egg Hunt
Starting off with a staple classic, the game of chocolate hide and seek. Simply hide chocolate treats around the garden or household and wait until they are all discovered. If you would like to add a different dimension to the game create a trail of clues to a bounty of chocolate and split everybody into different teams. Just make sure that there is enough chocolate to go around for everybody and watch the chaos ensue.
See Hotel Chocolat .

Baking Treats
What better way to celebrate Easter than to bake your very own sugar filled goodies and demolish them all immediately. Easter egg themed brownies? Lemon drizzle simnel slices? Easter bunny shaped pancakes? Hot cross cinnamon buns? Chocolate cheesecake?! The possibilities are endless. Just make sure to save some for us and to not start any food fights.
See Britain Loves Baking .

Go on a Walk
With the year that we have had walking has been a welcome escape for many of us. Maybe try a different route? Or somewhere entirely new? We suggest locating a rural scenic spot amongst nature and walking with your loved ones. You’ll have to walk off the chocolate eventually so why not start straight away? You never know you may even spot an easter bunny or two.
See our Lockdown Walks blog for a few of our favourite locations.

Easter Video Call
Make sure not to leave out those who may be alone or missing company this Easter. Get others involved in the games or activities by giving them plenty of notice of what you will be doing on the day. Such as an easter themed quiz? Our suggestions would be using; Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meets but Facetime or Skype can work just as well.
See Currys PC World.

Egg and Spoon Race
This activity is more for the littles ones. Or for the big children. Simply grab an egg and spoon set out the race markers and the one who finishes first with the egg in the spoon intact is the winner! If you would like to make things a bit more interesting, we suggest you make an obstacle course or If you are feeling really brave, attempt the race with a spoon in mouth for ultimate control.

If you would like to add a competitive element to Easter why not do an Easter-egg-off? Prepare the same Easter egg and ingredients and see who can make the best egg? You could do this over a video call, and you could even put high stakes on the line and say that the losers have to get the first drinks in when we’re all allowed back out.

Dress as a Bunny
Whilst we may not be able to see the Easter bunny this year why not be ridiculous and dress up as the Easter bunny? Whether it's a set of bunny ears, a full costume or simply a little bunny tail or set of teeth. If you really wanted to push the boat out there you could dress as your favourite bunny… Bugs bunny, The White rabbit, Peter rabbit and Thumper are some to name a few.
Easter Crafts
This is where you can get really creative. Especially if you can get the kids involved, the possibilities are endless with decorating eggs in different themes, making easter egg baskets for your egg hunt or simply decorating your easter eggs with such things as sprinkles, icing or melted chocolate. How about you make a really silly Easter themed bonnet for the day and the loser of the activities has to wear it?

Easter Themed Film Night
Gather everybody and watch some easter themed tv together. Films great for the little ones include Peter Rabbit and Hop whereas if you would like a religious element The Greatest Story Ever Told or The Prince of Egypt are great alternatives. If you’re little ones aren't so little, put on a good nature documentary to remind yourself about the beauty of nature and why it's so important to us.

We hope you try out some of our ideas, if you do or have any more let us know.