Get paid on a Love2shop Gift Card plus receive a 4% Payout Bonus

Posted on 18 Jul 2012 Posted in  Deals & Competitions
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***Update: 21st Aug 2012***

This prize draw has now closed and the winner has been contacted. Congratulations to Ben M, we hope you enjoy your prize!

Do you Love2shop as much as we do here at TopCashBack? If so, we've got some great news to share with you!
We've just launched a brand new payment method for all TopCashBack members. So not only can you request your cashback via Amazon Vouchers, BACS and PayPal, but you can also request a reloadable Love2shop Gift Card too!
That's not all! To further sweeten the deal we're also offering a 4% payout bonus on ALL Love2shop Gift Card payments, so it really does pay to shop through
So what is a Love2shop Gift Card? 
Love2shop Logo Block
It's just like a pre-paid card, so you can keep it in your purse or wallet and reload it over and over again with your cashback that you've earned while shopping online via You can then use your Love2shop Gift Card to pay for purchases at a wide range of leading high street retailers including River Island, Argos, Debenhams, HMV and Boots to name a few!
How do I get my reloadable Love2shop Gift Card?
Simple! Once you've got a minimum of £10 cashback at Payable status in your TopCashBack Account, you can order your Love2shop Gift Card and we'll deliver it straight to your door. Once you've received your card in the post, you'll then need to come back to your TopCashBack Account to confirm you've received your card and re-request your payment. We'll then top up your Love2shop Gift Card with your cashback and you'll be ready to shop! 
Don't forget that your Love2shop Gift Card is reloadable, so once you've got your hands on one don't just throw it away, keep hold of it and top up it up again and again. Don't worry, there won't be a minimum payment request once you've actually got your card, you just need to have £10 cashback at Payable status to initially order your Love2shop Gift Card. 
Fancy £500 credit on your Love2shop Gift Card?
To tempt those shopping taste buds even more, we're offering one lucky member the chance to win £500 credit on their Love2shop Gift Card. Imagine the shopping spree you could have with £500!
To be in with a chance of winning, simply follow the steps below:
1.Order a Love2shop Gift Card from the Payments section of your TopCashBack Account.* 
2.Return to your account once you've received your card in the post and re-request your payment on to your Love2shop Gift Card.
3.Alternatively, comment on the blog below to tell us which Love2shop retailer you would shop with and what you would buy if you had a Love2shop Gift Card with £500 credit on!
This is a time limited offer so you only have until 12:00 (midday) 20th August to order your Love2shop Gift Card and make your payment request to top it up with your cashback. What are you waiting for?  
Get my Card Button

Good Luck and enjoy!
Kind Regards,
*You must have a minimum of £10 cashback at Payable status to request a Love2shop Gift Card. If you have not got this minimum amount on your account, you may still enter this draw by commenting on the blog as outlined in step 3.
Terms and Conditions apply and can be viewed in full here
robsyuk26 December 2012, 12:09 I would spend some of the £500 on hard toys for Lucy my rescue beagle.. I would then use the rest to repair the hole in the wall, the carpet and all of the other furniture she distroyed while we were out.
melheth20 August 2012, 20:52 I would buy a nice new mattress to help ease terrible backache! X
20 August 2012, 14:30 I would use it to buy some nice xmas presents for my friends and family, it would be a nice surprise after last years non-existent pressies!
20 August 2012, 12:05 £500 would make for a great shopping spree at Debenhams!
20 August 2012, 11:35 I would buy lots and lots of toys from elc, Mothercare and Argos for my two kids.
20 August 2012, 11:23 I would spend the vouchers at Argos on a new bed for my spare room.
nicctaylor20 August 2012, 11:19 I would kit myself out with lots of nice new clothes from New Look and River Island
soapyjoe20 August 2012, 11:02 Wilkinsons have some great garden furniture in their summer sale, which i'd love to buy if I won the love2shop voucher.
ramk_20 August 2012, 11:00 I'd have a ball spending £500 in Homebase and doing up our garden! :-)
bugle20 August 2012, 09:39 I love TCB and would sort my kids xmas presents out at toys r us if I won the £500
effigy8620 August 2012, 09:20 I'd definitely splash it on lots of Boots products :-)
beclee0920 August 2012, 08:07 I would use the vouchers at tj HUghes to buy a new bed as ive been sleeping on a mattress since our bed broke. I could also get new bedding, duvet and pillows too
alexcb20 August 2012, 07:15 I would love to win to buy my Mum some new clothes from House of Fraser.
Florence20 August 2012, 06:49 If lucky enough to win I would use my vouchers at Homebase and buy some flooring for my bathroom which will complete the redecoration of the room.
bargainhuntergal20 August 2012, 01:50 I'd spend it in House of Fraser and put it towards a Mulberry bag!
Pretenna20 August 2012, 01:48 I'd go to Matalan to get some new clothes for me and the family for my cousins wedding.
79493775920 August 2012, 01:19 I'd shop with Argos, and choose this: Asus VX6-BLK119M 12.1 Inch Lamborghini Notebook - Black.
sueb5520 August 2012, 01:18 I would use my love to shop gift card at Argos to treat myself to an ipad
20 August 2012, 01:13 I would buy clothes!
19 August 2012, 22:48 Would use it to treat my partner to a new laptop
willowcott19 August 2012, 22:41 Although the choice of retailer would be very difficult I think I would choose Debenhams and treat myself to one of the things i've seen when looking at their sale but couldn't afford.
fairysairz19 August 2012, 22:12 Ahh It'd be a fight between me raiding boots or the tiddler going havoc in argos with lego sets :d

Im sure we'd comprimise and get round to both
WShippam19 August 2012, 22:03 I'd have to spend quite a lot in ToysRUs so that my boys would have the best Christmas of their lives. I'd also spend some in House of Fraser so that I could have a posh frock for hubbies works do. What a Christmas (yes it is only 4 months to go, lol).
beeelaine19 August 2012, 21:51 Ooooh I would love to spend it at Halfords on a bike with more than 3 gears because I cant keep up with our son on his mountain bike!! Hee hee

From member beeelaine
netimka19 August 2012, 21:39 I would my a new camera for my husband and some toys for my little one
19 August 2012, 21:33 I would use it to buy everything for Xmas - it would be the best yet
19 August 2012, 21:28 I would buy a laptop :)
19 August 2012, 21:20 I would use the card mainly at Argos and it would definitely be used for my xmas shopping. Toys for my children (a playstation vita for my teenager and a trampline for my little girl) and presents for the rest of the family. What a huge relief to know xmas would be sorted. Its something i'm really worried about and its coming so fast.
Chezkinsey19 August 2012, 21:18 I'd buy a new laptop or an ipad in Argos x
RuthMarianna19 August 2012, 20:52 I would love to splash the cash in Debanhams as we will have one in our town for the first time very soon and I would love to buy myself and my husband some new clothes to cheer us up.
Cashmo19 August 2012, 20:41 I would spend my gift card at hmv to buy an iPad for my husband
Minxy59519 August 2012, 20:39 If I had a Love2Shop gift card with £500 on it, I would visit Marks and Spencers and buy lots of exotic food, before then kitting out my wardrobe with plenty of expensive new clothing. Absolute heaven!
19 August 2012, 20:26 If I won te 500 I would use it to finish the garden so my childrgen could finnaly play outside my house in a safe and fun enviiroment
19 August 2012, 20:15 If I won I would shop at Argos and spend my vouchers on items for my new kitchen and toys for my kids
PinkPeach19 August 2012, 20:06 I'd use it to buy a few extra treats for our first baby which is due in a few weeks time
selene161119 August 2012, 19:37 I would spend it at Argos, we are due to move soon so it would help with a couple of new decorating bits and bobs, and we would adore a freezer our current flat is too small for one and I miss being able to have a nice ice lolly any time.
cathryn119 August 2012, 19:37 I would use it to get ahead with my xmas pressie shopping, must budget this year
majorminus119 August 2012, 18:56 If I was the proud owner of a L2S gift card from TopCashback I would be straight to Argos and would buy a new sofa. Mine has a great big hole in it and has to be stuffed with a duvet to sit on! I haven't managed to save much towards a new one so winning this competition would allow me to sit in comfort!
gwisla19 August 2012, 18:55 If I won 500 i'd spent it on my new iPad in Argos!!!
mo7219 August 2012, 18:39 I would spend my love To shop voucher at Argos, and buy a n iPad ....I would love to have one ! :)
Lesleytoo19 August 2012, 18:23 If I had a Love2shop Gift Card with £500 credit on I would use it in Argos to buy Xmas presents for my two youngest children and my two new granddaughters :)
19 August 2012, 18:15 I would use the love2shop gift card in Argos to buy christmas presents for my family.
binna19 August 2012, 17:56 It would have to be Boots so I could buy all my Lancome makeup. I think £500 would be just enough to cover it...!!
19 August 2012, 17:34 I want to start being healthier so I would buy a smoothie maker from Argos!
tamalyn19 August 2012, 17:34 I would like to use it in argos to buy my 3 teenagers some fabulous xmas presents. A camera for my daughter, an xbox for my son and a new bike for my other son.
kirst17171819 August 2012, 17:14 I would use it at Toys'r'us to get some nice baby things for my friend whos pregnant
willow7519 August 2012, 17:11 My hubby has been after an Android tablet so I think I would go to Comet and treat him (as long as he shares with me!)
19 August 2012, 17:02 I'd use it at Jessops to get some new lenses for my camera.
19 August 2012, 16:55 I'd use the card in Argos and spend it on an ipad3. Dream come true!
19 August 2012, 16:28 I want to buy pairs of uggs for the winter. Never ever have cold feet again
Smudge1801519 August 2012, 16:06 I would spend it on a new wardrobe at New Look and River Island - perfect for my winter sun hollibobs!
19 August 2012, 15:58 I would spend the money in Debenhams to get some new clothes for my holiday
srobbo7119 August 2012, 13:47 I would use it at Halfords to buy a Roofbox for our family camping trips
Jezzamk119 August 2012, 13:13 If I won I would use the £500 to buy laminate flooring at Homebase
clairaay19 August 2012, 12:57 Christmas presents for my boy and some nursery items for the bump. Fab prize, fingers crossed xx
19 August 2012, 12:50 I would definitely use it to buy a new wardrobe at River Island!
rayf19 August 2012, 12:39 A new tv from Comet , simples
tjcp19 August 2012, 12:37 Some landscaping material from Homebase so I can improve my garden
pickiliz19 August 2012, 12:35 I would get a new washing machine from currys
pointsuncovered19 August 2012, 11:52 A new wardrobe!
19 August 2012, 11:47 I think it would have to be Homebase because then I could make a start on getting my house a bit more user friendly again as I have recently been diagnosed with fibromialga, and as I am no longer able to work the retail therapy alone would do me the world of good. :-D
soopdragon19 August 2012, 11:42 I couldn't just pick one, i'd pick Argos for a new tv, Hmv for movies to watch on my new tv and bhs for the pj's and duvet I need for the duvet day i'd have planned to watch all the new movies on my new tv
Jamme1919 August 2012, 11:03 I would love to spend it on a Tablet/IPad in Comet and the rest in Debenhams to buy a suit to start a business/ Get a job. :)
I soooooo want to win please :)
19 August 2012, 10:30 I would go to pcworld and buy a laptop which I need before I start studying Medicine at University this year.
Oh how that'd be a dream come true.
ali99119 August 2012, 10:22 I would go to Argos and get a new tv to replace the current large monster
jimblocker19 August 2012, 10:19 Would spend it iin home base for some nice garden furniture
Jakesmum197919 August 2012, 09:08 Id use it at Homebase to buy paint and decorations to finally decorate our bedroom which is still in exactly the same state as it was when we moved in 7 years ago!
19 August 2012, 09:04 I`D buy my partner who is very poorly a new laptop so that he could keep occupied at a good speed rather than having to keep waiting for our old one to work
Member1157563095519 August 2012, 08:57 I would use it at Debenhams and get a Kitchenaid blender, and any other useful household items I saw that I liked:)
katherinesara19 August 2012, 08:34 I would use mine in toys r us and get a start on my christmas shopping :-)
hownowbrowncow19 August 2012, 08:20 Id get one for BandQ and finally replace our broken/ Knackered old bathroom furniture and tiles :)
wooohooo2me19 August 2012, 08:15 I would go to argos online and buy all my christmas presents,shopping sorted no need to worry then
19 August 2012, 00:09 There are so many awesome retailers to choose from! However i'd really love to go shopping in River Island. If I won i'd spend the money on a new Autumn/Winter wardrobe, dreamy! ;) X
srandall8818 August 2012, 23:05 So therefore if I was to win the £500 love to shop card I would givee the card to the missus as she loves to shop.
18 August 2012, 21:59 I'd spend it at BabiesRUs. I'm currently pregnant and my shopping list is as long as my arm. This would go a long way towards a lot of my items. A pram would be a great start :-)
KFERNY3018 August 2012, 21:21 Would be great to get my hands on that gift card - could keep the car safe by purchasing some new back tyres, and treat the missus with the new bicycle she keeps asking me for everyday for the past five weeks!
Tonkatol18 August 2012, 21:06 I would probably get an Argos voucher so that I could purchase a laptop for my eldest daughter who has just done so well in her a/S Levels and then she would be ready for when she goes to University next year. If there was any money over, I would buy my other children small gifts.
embabes718 August 2012, 20:31 So I could treat all my family to a little something nice :)
cmwilby18 August 2012, 20:26 I'm due my first child in 10 days so I would no doubt be spending it on her, either in Mothercare or BabysRus!
novo0018 August 2012, 20:04 I would probably spend it in Debenhams on loads of nice stuff for the house!
NLK1018 August 2012, 18:46 I would love to win a Love2Shop voucher to spend in hmv. I would use the card to buy my lovely teenage daughter an Ipad. Its top of her wish list and would make her year!!
MrsCeeee18 August 2012, 17:56 I would love to tidy up the garden and buy some outdoor toys for our son.
kimmy39318 August 2012, 17:51 I would have to buy myself a new winter wardrobe at River Island . Whoopeee x
redvelvet78618 August 2012, 15:20 I'd use the gift card to buy paint/Furniture for my new first home, which i'm still saivng for. Hopefully this will give me a good kickstart :)

Thank you
18 August 2012, 15:18 There are so many stores you can shop with via Love2shop but my favourite is Argos. Such a wide selection of products at some of the best prizes on the high street. This would be particularly helpful to me to buy some new heaters and a new electric blanket before Winter.
BizieBea18 August 2012, 14:06 I would spend mine at Argos as I really need a camera for my holiday ;)
davidswallow18 August 2012, 13:00 I would use my Love2shop gift card in Argos and buy presents for all my family!
tjww50018 August 2012, 12:47 I would put it towards a new Laptop at PCWorld as this one is slowly dying!
Glug18 August 2012, 08:59 I would spend it in Homebase for my new house!
kking18318 August 2012, 00:10 I would buy a ipad at argos
pandcands18 August 2012, 00:06 I would buy lots of toys for my baby girl.
jennylou8417 August 2012, 23:33 I would Love2shop at Toys r us for my 2 children, I would love to treat them to some garden toys. :-)
tinkabelz17 August 2012, 23:22 I would buy my little boy oodles of toys, to make up for his birthday being on Christmas Eve!!
m3whs17 August 2012, 21:12 I would buy a new home cinema system from Argos.
17 August 2012, 21:11 I would spend the £500 in b&Q to give our girl a beautiful and safe garden to play in.
17 August 2012, 20:51 I would treat myself to some jewellery at h.Samuel
17 August 2012, 20:22 I'm getting married in a couple of months and me and my fiance have both just lost our jobs, £500 would really help buy essentials for the house :)
miwinter17 August 2012, 18:18 As i've just moved into a house and discovered what a money pit they are, i'd be buying some blinds and curtains from tj Hughes for all the windows I now need to cover.
17 August 2012, 16:29 I would buy a new buggy and cott ready for my little baby and clothes for the baby my misus is 5 moths pregnant I can't wait for baby 2 be born
annt217 August 2012, 16:10 I'd love to spend it on Christmas presents for my family
locumgp17 August 2012, 14:37 As a reformed shopaholic,i have to say that:-

"The best things in life are not things"

And that retail therapy is not working
Either for individuals nor the global economy...
mummychelle7917 August 2012, 14:17 I would use the £500 to shop at Toys r Us to give my children a fantastic Christmas this year.

Good luck to everyone!
B2b2317 August 2012, 13:54 I would go to jessops and buy a new compact camera for my travels and a dslr zoom lens too!
17 August 2012, 13:50 I would shop at River Island to get new clothes for my year abroad working as well as get a new laptop case from argos
cashback217 August 2012, 13:37 Love to use the card and get a new dslr camera,
enderit17 August 2012, 12:50 I would use them at argos for a bed with memory foam mattress
xemmax12117 August 2012, 12:42 Argos - And as we're soon to be moving into a new home, I would probably spend it on new furniture :) x
17 August 2012, 11:55 I would choose Argos, as it has something for everyone -in the run up to christmas this would be great!
Angelinlace6917 August 2012, 10:09 A nice comfy king size bed with memory foam mattress would be just perfect
17 August 2012, 09:08 I would love to win this £500 for my kids to buy them birthdays and Xmas gift as they are all around December and January. With my husband working 37 hours a week and doing a full time college course on his days off 50 miles away the extra money would be fantastic and id love to see the smile on my children's faces.
17 August 2012, 08:59 If I won the £500 i'd spend it in Boots on fabulous Xmas pressures for everyone else and I might even get something for myself. If I wait until then to spend it they have a special points event so you get an extra £15 back in points Everytime you spend £50 so I would end up making loads of extra money. I could then save the extra i'd made on buying things for my summer holiday. Got to think ahead and be a money saver. Yes yes yes !!!
potnoodle17 August 2012, 03:11 I would Love 2 Shop in Boots and Mothercare in preperation of my new baby girl who is due in a little over a months time
aog17 August 2012, 02:34 I would buy one of everything in Wilkos = Love it!
blunderch16 August 2012, 23:40 It is my daughters 8th Birthday in October and she deserves the full £500 spending on making it a fantastic birthday full of all the presents she wants.
Heres hoping
blunderch16 August 2012, 23:40 It is my daughters 8th Birthday in October and she deserves the full £500 spending on making it a fantastic birthday full of all the presents she wants.
Heres hoping
iwona2816 August 2012, 23:28 I run a Pilates Studio and it is in need of a "facelift". I'd love to buy some paint and tools from Wilkinson to decorate the studio and make it nice for my clients. They work very hard to improve fitness and mobility, to gain control, health and wellbeing. I would buy a palm sander and sandpaper to renew our wooden furniture. I would also spend on a yearly supply of cleaning products to keep the place fresh. Finally I need some screwdrivers and WD40 to maintain the equipment. The list could be endless...
kizzie151016 August 2012, 22:54 I'd take my hubby, kids and myself to Debenhams so we could all enjoy a spending spree...Well I might let them have £10 each whilst I go clothes shopping! Ha ha!
Kingdomprice16 August 2012, 22:53 Something for my husband, beccause he is wonderful. Something for my eldest son and his wife because they have very little money. Something for my daughter who has been working for free for a charity for a year and never has any money to spend on herself and I couldn't leave out my 12 year old son becuase money always burns a hole in his pocket so he never has any, infact he owes me some!!!!!
sballantyne16 August 2012, 22:46 I would love a card to use at Toys r Us. I finished my contract at work just before starting maternity leave so money will be tight come christmas but i'd love to still be able to treat my daughters, nephew, nieces and 2 godchildren. 3 of them also have birthdays between now and December so this would be a fantastic prize to win!
16 August 2012, 22:26 My card would be shared with my (adult!) Children , and we could all enjoy a spree in the shops!!
Sydney200016 August 2012, 22:22 I would spent it on my children at argos, debenhams and toys r us, thank you
CinnamonGirl16 August 2012, 22:11 I've just resigned to launch a freelance business and so £500 would mean the world to me; I could get Christmas presents for friends and family at Argos, Debenhams and House of Fraser and treat my endlessly patient boyfriend to dinner at Cafe Rouge :)
kb170916 August 2012, 22:03 Ooooooh £500! How exciting :-). I would choose Debenhams and get some nice new bedding, some new matching cups, a new dress and shoes, a treat for my two children and hubby, a new Radley handbag, school uniform for my son and if there was anything left start my Christmas shopping x
Roo7116 August 2012, 21:52 With two little people in the house, it would have to be Toys r us. To give Santa a helping hand!
16 August 2012, 21:39 Argos and Wilkinson I believe!
Ljaycarter16 August 2012, 21:25 I'd use the voucher to give my 2 little boys the Christmas they deserve, my 4 year old son has his heart set on the Tower of Doom castle from the Early Learning Centre
lollipopz16 August 2012, 21:24 A Love2shop gift card to spend in Debenhams, i'm moving home later this year & I would love to treat myself to some new home accessorises.
letoonia16 August 2012, 21:23 Argos for ebook readers and christmas presents
16 August 2012, 21:22 I'm just about to move into my first house & £500 would go a long way towards furniture & Everything house related!!!
jasmin4916 August 2012, 21:16 Ive an expensive year, its my youngest daughters 21st, my other daughters expecting her first baby and my sons girlfriend is also expecting, so ive lots of things I could buy with a Love2shop gift card.
lukehgriffiths16 August 2012, 21:15 With 500 pounds to spread around such a great selection of stores.
Deciding what to spend it on ought not be a chore.
A wife and two kids and a new baby due
It becomes clear shopping is easy to do
This awful poem is hard to defend
But i'm not a poet I just love2spend
philgee16 August 2012, 21:03 I would use the voucher to buy a roofbox and roof bars for when my eldest heads off to uni (a levels passed today!), As it looks like we'll be taking everything including the kitchen sink!
16 August 2012, 20:59 All the kids are now living back at home so we have a house full; 55 (hubby), 47 (me) 28 (stepdaughter) 26 (stepson) 18 (son) 18 (daughter) so our kitchen needs an overhaul as it is falling to peices by overuse.... I would use my love2shop at homebase so I can make the kitchen cope with our busy lively house
theshadowwalker16 August 2012, 20:54 If I won, I would love to buy a new laptop from Comet to help with my girlfriend's University work. The current laptop is barely hanging on a thread :(
nickank6916 August 2012, 20:53 I would use my voucher to buy something nice for my hubby who has had a tough 12months losing his job, finding another one that he hated but stuck at to support us and started up a little home business to tide us over whilst out of work. He works so hard, never spends money on himself putting his family first so it would be fab to treat him - I would imagine he would choose an ipad being an it geek! X
theshadowwalker16 August 2012, 20:53 If I won, I would love to buy a new laptop to help with my girlfriend's University work. The current laptop is barely hanging on a thread :(
joeythegreat16 August 2012, 20:50 I would treat my friends and family, starting with a house warming present for my sister who is just moving in with here boyfriend of 10 years.
Magpie1016 August 2012, 20:48 I'd use the Love2Shop voucher to buy an iPad 3 from Argos for my tech-savvy mum, in celebration of her 60th birthday! She's been an absolute superstar, supporting me through university and beyond, although unfortunately she's now on the front line of the Eurozone crisis in Portugal and can't afford luxuries like iPads anymore. That hasn't stopped her from keeping up to date with the latest trends - her knowledge puts me to shame! If she had an iPad we could have a good chat via Face Time or Skype and put the world to rights.
purple_duck16 August 2012, 20:47 Amazon! Love the idea of the gift card. Yay TCB you just keep getting better and better.
charlieyates16 August 2012, 20:45 With 5 children and an ever growing christmas list i'm sure it wouldn't last long. My oldest asked for an ipad today, while her friend said 'Theyre not much, only about £400!'. I would love to buy one between them (and a toys r us visit with any left over).
popodom16 August 2012, 20:43 I would use the gift card at comet for a new laptop. I've got my final most important year of uni coming up and my laptop decided to fail me!
16 August 2012, 20:34 It would certainly be hard to narrow it down to just one store. Clothes from new look music from hmv, make up from debenhams like an endless list and my brain is bubbling from the endless possibilities :)with the gift card I would defiantly love2shop!
fanta55016 August 2012, 20:29 Since ive been ill for over 4 years and I havent managed to leave the house much due to nerves. I would probably use the money to get myself a new wardrobe as i've lost a huge amount of weight due to my illness I have no clothes left, I would also buy my best friend some stuff since she has looked after me so well :)
eclectika16 August 2012, 20:28 A kindle from Argos? A handbag River Island? Some lux smellies from Boots maybe... Decisions, decisions. It would certainly make my student loan stretch much further though :d
whit16 August 2012, 20:27 Maybe a job lot of nappies from mothercare! Lol
halodust16 August 2012, 20:25 Without a doubt if I won £500 on a love2shop gift card it would help massively this christmas for gifts for my 3 children at argos. I have recently had to give my job up due to relocating with my husbands job!
Finding a new job is proving very difficult and christmas will be here before we know it :-(
trac200716 August 2012, 20:24 I'd use the voucher to help treat my sister who is planning her wedding, plus my other two sisters who are bridesmaids with me! I'd go in Debenhams for nice undies, shoes and bags then maybe h m Samuels for jewellery for us all. Then if there is any more left over, i'd treat my hubby to some new DVDs and games in hmv (plus I might need the Zumba kinnect game to get in my bridesmaid dress!!)
16 August 2012, 20:22 I would kit out my autumn wardrobe ready for going back to uni!!
Kirsty17816 August 2012, 20:20 I would go to h.Samuel to get new wedding rings. I took mine off when I was pregnant and have never been able to get them back on, So I would get bigger ones
Mrs_Mooloo16 August 2012, 20:18 I would spoil my 4 lovely grandchildren so it would have to be ToyRus *Fingers crossed*
16 August 2012, 20:18 If I won I would spend half on my myself on clothes after being so ill after having my daughter and nearly losing my life and then spend the rest on my kids as a treat for what they have been though
joandmike8116 August 2012, 20:17 I'd use it for Debenhams for new work clothes as i've been on a diet all year and now too small for my autumn/Winter clothes (yey) and also at Argos for my daughters birthday.
jacquimark16 August 2012, 20:17 I would buy a new watch so i'm not late for work!
16 August 2012, 20:17 I would spend the gift card at Comet to go towards a new laptop as I fear this one may soon give up the ghost!
cluckyhen16 August 2012, 20:16 I would go to Argos to replace my son's broken tv and then go to h Samuels to replace my hubby's watch that was stolen when we were on holiday (whilst we were in the room)
debis16 August 2012, 20:16 Would spend the money on my little boy,he's been through a lot lately and deserves a treat
lauraftcb16 August 2012, 20:16 I would shop at Debenhams and Argos for Christmas presents and buy some winter clothes for myself from River Island.
Cariad196316 August 2012, 20:14 I'd just have to do my bit to help our national economy by putting it back in the system....Sooooo.... A splurge on an outfit for me from Principles...A suit for himself from Debenhams...A beautiful pendant from HSamuel for my daughter...And another for me, then some garden furniture from Argos to relax after all the shopping! See how selfless I can be....All for the good of the uk economy! :)
cluckyhen16 August 2012, 20:14 I would go to Argos to replace my son's broken tv and then go to h Samuels to replace my hubby's watch that was stolen when we were on holiday (whilst we were in the room)
Tinkerbell9616 August 2012, 20:14 I would spend it in Wilkinson and bhs so that I could make my house **Dazzlingly** Beautiful! If I had any left over, a family trip to a theme park, like Alton Towers resort would be good. Owning my own house means money is tight and I haven't been anyway for over two years other than my sister's wedding.
DealHunterDave16 August 2012, 20:14 Great post, great prize. Spend it all in Argos. Many thanks
russgroves16 August 2012, 20:14 At apple store and buy my daughter an iPad!
burnleylass16 August 2012, 20:13 I'd love to spend £500 at River Island. I start a new job soon so I would like to buy some nice shiny new work clothes, shoes & Bags ;o)
16 August 2012, 20:10 Wow if I won there are so many things I need id have to flip a coin to see what it got spent on. I need a sofa bed (im sleeping on the floor as ive given my bedroom to the kids so I des need a sofa bed) or its my twin daughters birthday coming up soon, or my sisters sweet sixteen in oct! Also im trying to deny it but xmas will be here before I know it and as a mum of 5 that card would come in very handy. Good luck everyone, (esp me!! Lol) I hope I win really -but im not that lucky-! Hahah
Joanne26816 August 2012, 20:09 I would spend some of the £500 on the giftcard on a new freezer from Argos to freeze our home grow goodies. Our freezer packed in earlier in the year and we haven't got around to replacing it but we're now facing an abundance of gorgeous home grown veggies and need to freeze the excess so we can enjoy them all year round.
16 August 2012, 20:09 I would use the gift card at Toys r Us (lots of treats for the kids) and Debenhams (some new work outfits for me!)
13mattieh16 August 2012, 20:08 I'd definitely shop at House of Frazer and go wild in the men's clothing section for myself, grab some gifts for my Mum in the Laura Ashely department, some perfume for my sister and socks for my Dad!! The shop that has it all!
Matthew Hughes
16 August 2012, 20:07 I would spend my £500 at Argos & Boots - I would be able to buy some furniture for my new flat and give myself a winter makeover!
Julesjna16 August 2012, 16:56 Hey!! 4% Is a better return than you can get for some 5 year savings, and it blows inflation out of the water. Bring it on!!!
16 August 2012, 16:34 Need to buy pram and car seat for the twin we are expecting in Nov .. Would be great help if we win :)
MikeCambridge16 August 2012, 13:33 We urgently need a new kitchen as ours is from the 1980's and looks terrible. I know that £500 won't buy a full kitchen, but even if we could get some new worktops and a gas hob, it would go a long way to revamping our tired old one!
jonesian16 August 2012, 13:06 I would spend the money at Evans Cycles and buy a bike so I can take up cycling after being inspired by Bradley Wiggins, Sir Chris Hoy and our other Olympians!
altergeist16 August 2012, 12:54 I'd spend it at Argos, and buy my girlfriend a new laptop for university - hers has broken beyond my it abilities!
MrsH38116 August 2012, 10:51 I would spend the £500 in new look buying new clothes and accessories for my new teaching job in London. I am moving from Newcastle to London and need a new wardrobe to build my confidence for the first day/Week/Month at work!
hotkee16 August 2012, 09:41 Would like to buy some new office furniture
purpledragonfly16 August 2012, 09:24 We need a new strimmer and hedge trimmer so that would be Argos but it's been a tough year with redundnacy and unemployment so the kids would get half and that would be clothes in New Look for 2 and toys for one!
PrincessBelle16 August 2012, 07:02 Argos to treat myself to some new gadgets for the house :)
aaagh16 August 2012, 00:21 I would Love2shop at Halfords and buy new bikes for the family.
rach20616 August 2012, 00:02 I've just had an operation to remove a large tumour & Subsequently lost over 2 stone. It'd be great to have the money to go to Debenhams & Buy some really nice new clothes.
goodbuy15 August 2012, 21:33 Would be great for getting kids Christmas pressies in early.
15 August 2012, 21:32 I would love to shop at pc worl or currys to buy a new laptop.
15 August 2012, 20:02 Hey! I would use the card for a very good cause - namely taking my lovely mum out for a day's shopping. She's lost 9 stone this year (nine!) And looks wonderful. I'd love to flash my Love2Shop card at all her fave new shops, including Warehouse, New Look, Boux Avenue, House of Fraser and Debenhams. Then i'd use whatever was left after some strenuous shopping to treat her to lunch - she deserves it! :D
marxlian15 August 2012, 17:49 I would like to use it for Argos and Boots!
TaraS15 August 2012, 17:36 I'd go to Argos or Comet - i'd be tempted to choose a laptop or an iPad, but really I should buy a new oven because ours is about 20 years old and barely works!
jongee_201215 August 2012, 17:10 Me & My little boy would blow the lot at Toys'r'us, in about 5 seconds!!

And yes, some of the toys would be for me!!
pipersky15 August 2012, 16:30 I'd use it to do most of my c-word shopping - lovely stress free December :)
carolvs15 August 2012, 15:31 I always end up buying things for my daughter instead of for myself - end result gorgeous well turned out daughter accompanied by a scruffy mummy - so before she is old enough to be ashamed of me please TopCashBack be my fairy godmother and help me turn into a Yummy Mummy!
Shauncey15 August 2012, 15:24 New clothes since I have lost a lot of weight, and some nice things for my family. Maybe some Christmas presents!
ahomad15 August 2012, 13:41 Would love to get it :)
15 August 2012, 12:59 Would go to House of Fraser and just buy whatever I liked - so many depts, so many choices!
nsjm115 August 2012, 12:23 I would love to shop at pc World to buy a new laptop!!
chrriss15 August 2012, 10:57 I'd like to spoil all my grand kids at Xmas so i'd want £500 amazon credits to spend at my leisure!
ejk22015 August 2012, 10:14 For me it would be sensible Sainsburys, marvellous m&S (food!),And toddler-tastic ToysRUS!
charlottec198114 August 2012, 22:52 I would spend half of it to spoil my mum as she helped me out a lot recently and deserves to be spoilt and the other half in babies r us for nursery items for my new baby due october :)
sjmurfy14 August 2012, 21:50 I would buy my daughter a big dolls house as she has always wanted one but I can afford one :-(
I would buy my mum a treat as she is always treating me :-)
I would save the rest to help with my xmas shopping :-)
johnchen14 August 2012, 21:36 I would spend it in Debenhams, it'll only take a few minutes to spend the money.
14 August 2012, 19:45 BabiesRus for the little one :-)
zebralennon14 August 2012, 13:05 I would use mine to play Santa at Boots and get lots of 3 for 2 Christmas gifts ... And keep all the 3rd ones for myself ;d
Mikado14 August 2012, 10:34 A Love2Shop gift card would be perfect for spending at Homebase for us: we had a dishwasher malfunction which wrecked some of the kitchen plinth, but we haven't been able to afford to fix it. This would mean we could sort it all out :-)
cygnusX14 August 2012, 06:46 £500 would be well spent at Homebase, to help with our decorating costs.
13 August 2012, 21:15 Id spend the lot in Debenhams home department as need and like so much stuff in there just now!!
stephgr13 August 2012, 19:17 I'd love to use the card in Boots where i'd buy all sorts of pampering beauty products for me and my sister in law plus some great baby products for my new baby niece.
kittycatty13 August 2012, 18:20 Would have to be Matalan, a mega shopping spree for myself and my daughter
marcofoo13 August 2012, 14:50 I'd spend it on a day out at Thorpe Park will loads of my mates.
TelStar150713 August 2012, 14:31 Would be great to spend at BabiesRUs for our first grand child due in early September
pcyam13 August 2012, 11:30 I would either have a massive spending spree, or be a good daughter and spend it redecorating my parents garden. Will probably opt for the second option doing up my parents garden for them. X
VikDx13 August 2012, 10:23 I would send over some supplies such as baby stuff, clothes, books, stationery to a place called Cotlands where I previously did voluntary work in South Africa.(Check out their webpage- ).I would use it in various shops such as boots, mothercare, £ Stretcher to get things that they need! :)
emmav613 August 2012, 09:44 Toys r us :)))))))
JoJoBaldwin12 August 2012, 20:26 I'd choose Amazon to shop as I can't think of anything I can't buy there!
12 August 2012, 16:30 Yes thank you......
ehorsfall12 August 2012, 15:19 I would buy lots of lovely essentials and accesories for my bedroom !!!!
zhuchka12 August 2012, 13:43 Debenhams spree for new bed linen for us and the little one and if anything would be left, we'll go for the Christmas stuff
balmcake12 August 2012, 12:46 Anywhere that does kitchen stuff as just having a new one fitted so could do with some nice appliances to match it. Argos has a nice range of coordinated kettles and toasters.
Ronnytha11 August 2012, 22:41 My bambina needs a highchair, and her parents need a holiday. Pick me pick me!
beary11 August 2012, 22:39 Of beauty products
Tallpaul012311 August 2012, 21:17 I would buy a new camera or Ipad!
11 August 2012, 19:14 I spend half my wages in Boots so I would make my other half incredibly pleased if I was spending my love to shop card and not my debit card.
shc34511 August 2012, 18:52 With all the holding back and getting the very last bit of use out of every single product, it would be so nice to have a totally guilt free shopping spree on fashion and accessories - in good old faithful high-street retailer New Look. After all, a 'new look' is something I could really do with right now! Sh345
shafali11 August 2012, 14:28 Of course SHoes and bags from faith!!! Yes :)
Kbprasad11 August 2012, 11:55 Spend 500 on d-slr at Jessops
speediec11 August 2012, 10:36 I'd spend the £500 at Halfords.

It would be on cycling equipment for me and my son, so he can be an olympian in 2028 (he's only 1 now!)
11 August 2012, 10:15 Topdhop all the wayyyy :d <3 xxx
11 August 2012, 01:18 Argos
Top_Earner11 August 2012, 00:34 Comment on the blog below to tell us which Love2shop retailer you would shop with:


And what you would buy if you had a Love2shop Gift Card with £500 credit on:

Technology Things
skye12910 August 2012, 23:41 I would get a new washing machine from Argos with breakdown insurance because mine keeps playing up and it's really annoying.
Gemsie10 August 2012, 21:55 I'd spend the voucher at Homebase. Our house desperately needs redecorating so £500 would be very helpful!
MrYeti10 August 2012, 20:18 If I won the credit I would give the card to my wife so she could treat herself and our two year old son to whatever they wanted. Simply they are two of the three most important people in my world :)
Malices10 August 2012, 19:03 I've already started my Christmas shopping since I know the perils of leaving it too late and having no money over New Year. I'd spend the money in all sorts of shops, though Debenhams would probably see the most of it since they have so many nice things :)
Rajen10 August 2012, 18:52 I would love a flat screen telly so I can watch the footy and get fat. Just realised i'm already fat.
10 August 2012, 18:43 I'd get some new clobber from Debenhams because money's tight and I look like a tramp. Oh well it could be worse.
shanbalasay10 August 2012, 15:15 I'd spend it on a perfect tailor made suit
bingosandra10 August 2012, 11:22 I would love to give it to my friend her brother died in america and she carnt afford to go
fdastyla110 August 2012, 10:59 The love2shop gift vouchers would have to be spent on the new Iphone, when released at Argos!!!!
paulvictorstewart10 August 2012, 10:35 It's going on an iPad 3!
idpost10 August 2012, 10:27 I'd spend some of the money on a video camera, so we can capture, forever, the first treasured moments of our first baby, which is due very soon!
ChirpyChick10 August 2012, 00:08 I am 6 months pregnant (today) with my very first baby after 4 years and 10 months and being told it was impossible! I would use the love2shop card in Mothercare to buy all the essentials he will need for the first few months of his life. Also my dad has just had an operation to have his brain tumour removed (9 weeks ago) and it didn't go quite to plan so now he is hard of sight and partially deaf so I would also use the love2shop money in Argos to buy him a phone with the giant numbers on so he doesn't have to rely on others to make phone calls for him (he has most hearing in his left ear so can still use the phone) I would also get books on tape for him. I know that's 2 places and for 2 things but its for 2 of the 3 most important people in my life!
9 August 2012, 23:16 With a spare £500 I could finally get myself a new wheelchair, and wouldn't have to worry about medication bills for a while (all hail Boots!). My old chair (7 years old now) is a bit tattered, so would love a new, fresh, more comfy one! :D
emilyk9 August 2012, 21:21 Much as i'd love (and need) a holiday my new house has no kitchen at all-even the floor is missing, so a trip to b&Q is where i'd be doing the spending!
9 August 2012, 20:33 I would donate the entire money to help a girl get back to her normal life. I have tried many lucky contests with this intention but nothing clicked yet. Hope this helps!!
slimfreak779 August 2012, 18:44 Would love the £500 for new garden stuff from homebase
sophiegoehlert9 August 2012, 15:14 Would love £500 to spend on our new flat we're buying. I'd paint the whole place and get some bathroom tiles.
leilaallsopp9 August 2012, 13:40 If I was lucky enough to win I would take my one year old on a shopping spree in Mothercare - he is growing so quickly and could definately do with some new clothes.
AMK5159 August 2012, 12:45 I would use it to book a much needed holiday as me and the oh have had a nightmare 3-4 months due to being flooded and would love to get away from all the stress that this has brought.
SALLY_HOPKINS9 August 2012, 12:44 £500.00 at Argos would be very handy to buy a new bike
gcjay9 August 2012, 12:39 If I won £500 I would spend it in Argos on bits for mine and my partners new flat.
Everis9 August 2012, 09:33 I would love to win the gift card as we have an 8 month old and maternity pay is pretty lean so £500 would mean we could have a little holiday!
MrsB21009 August 2012, 08:45 If I won the Love2Shop voucher, i'd buy my husband a new suit, to go with the new job! And i'd buy a new suit for me, to go to interviews in!

Good luck to all who enters!
Clarky_Pants9 August 2012, 02:12 I would just simply Love2Shop, I would use it in NewLook, Boots, Superdrug, RiverIsland :)xxx
Clarky_Pants9 August 2012, 02:10 I would just simply Love2Shop :)xxx
no1kazza9 August 2012, 00:32 I am currently expecting baby number 4, as this was a shock pregnancy I need everything for the baby, so I would buy a bed, and a pram and if anything is left over would treat myself mum to be :)
8 August 2012, 23:54 I would buy a pram from Mothercare
stralisemiai8 August 2012, 20:44 I would use it wisely and buy our shopping from tesco, as well as taking advantage of the instore loyalty offers on points, School uniform bundles and with over 10% Cashback with TopCashback, my prize will go that extra mile - scoring a well deserved Olympic gold!
Toria178 August 2012, 17:55 If I were to win £500 To spend on my new LOVE2SHOP Giftcard, it would have to be b&Q. We have just moved home & Need a new kitchen. We have started on " Phase one " of renovating it & Have chosen a kitchen from b&Q, but we will have to save for the next "phase". This would be a great help!!
dave_lunt28 August 2012, 13:09 I would love to win the voucher, we a young family with a 1 year old so would spend the money on clothes and toys in Argos, Mothercare and Matalan
davieboy1238 August 2012, 12:05 I would spend the money in Argos, some household items required and the rest for Xmas for my grandchildren
hyperellie18 August 2012, 11:53 We are getting married in may and the savings not exactly going to plan, so I think id use the 500gift card in debenhams buying some outfits for my lovely little page boys and if theres any change mayb put the rest towards the rings in h samuel. Heres hoping!
tompob8 August 2012, 10:44 Would sort christmas out, worrying already lol
Centurionduck8 August 2012, 08:10 I would treat my partner to life long happiness by putting the money towards a ring which would tie us together until death do we part.
lou12_517 August 2012, 23:20 I would love to win a card to use in Argos to buy a new washing machine and Moshi Monster toys for my youngest daughter who turns 7 next month :)
neeshie7 August 2012, 22:46 My sons birthday is coming up, this could be fantastic for him!
ivybob7 August 2012, 21:40 To carry on my Xmas shopping, hohoho
Rebecca_Jane7 August 2012, 21:31 A new freezer as my current one no longer freezes
djbarbee7 August 2012, 21:02 Id buy myself a bike from halfords as I want to become a fit bike rider just like the ones on the olympics and go for gold ;-)
7 August 2012, 21:01 I would spend some of the money on presents for my sons. And Christmas is coming as well!!!
steffi299867 August 2012, 20:39 I'd go to h Samuel and buy my husband a proper wedding ring, instead of the cheap stand in one he currently has
7 August 2012, 20:35 If I won I would buy loads of books from waterstones
orangesox7 August 2012, 20:11 If I won a love2shop voucher it'd mean that I had enough money to buy the essentials for a house move which is desperately needed as i'm travelling over 200 miles a week to get to work as a student nurse! It would literally be life changing for me! Anything I had left over would be used to buy some new toys for the Children's wards :-)
sweet_ting_nb7 August 2012, 18:33 I would have a shopping spree with my sister and mum who deserve a treat and but a new sat nav so I stop getting lost when doing visits for work!!!!
tomthurlow7 August 2012, 18:08 So here's the deal. I haven't been on holiday for five years now and i'm 22 years old! I'm desperate for one!!

So if I win, i'm going straight to Thomas Cook with a friend and we're going on holiday.

cubensis7 August 2012, 14:38 I would put this money towards setting up my own beer brewing shop, something i've wanted to do for ages but can't afford to!
EHughes_7 August 2012, 12:37 I would spend all the money on a red letter experience day for my whole family as a last family get together :)
saverme7 August 2012, 11:26 With £500 of Love2shop vouchers I would be able to visit boots and spoil both mother and partner to their favorite perfumes, top my horse up with medication and buy myself some badly needed razor blades :) the rest would be spent in argos and poundstretcher to allow us to add some badly neede furniture to our rented house :)
ChristyW7 August 2012, 10:50 Without a doubt I would spend half on my little boy who is currently 6 months old and spoil him rotten for his first Christmas and the rest on my parents who have been fantastic all year and never do anything for them selves. It would be toysrus for my son and debenhams for my parents
ChristyW7 August 2012, 10:48 Without a doubt I would spend half on my little boy who is currently 6 months old and spoil him rotten for his first Christmas and the rest on my parents who have been fantastic all year and never do anything for them selves.
joseyposey307 August 2012, 09:44 I would spend every penny on my 3 kids, doing up their room New bedding etc and buying fun outdoor games for them from argos, maybe a decent solid swing and slide set!
alpesh_gohil7 August 2012, 08:02 I would love to win the £500 vouchers and treat my family to some boots goodies
RISHISHAH7 August 2012, 04:48 I would spend the £500 on my family @ Debenhams... They really deserve a bit of a treat....
wayney6 August 2012, 23:30 I'd wait until near chritmas and use it at Boots as I could buy everyone some lovely presents and i'd then get the 3 for 2 gifts (even more savings) and I wouldn't have any christmas money worries then.
Diesel816 August 2012, 22:15 Id go on a shopping spree and treat myself at boots
NMarapally6 August 2012, 21:16 I would love to purchase a anniversary present for my wife. I'm sure £500 can definitely buy me a decent ring at h.Samuel or Goldsmiths :)
speedy196 August 2012, 20:04 I would use the voucher to have my wedding photos turned into an album at jessops
6 August 2012, 19:57 I would purchase a dishwasher so that we would spend less time washing dishes and more time together
bakerratface6 August 2012, 19:43 I would go to toys r u to decorate a nursery ready for the birth of our 2nd child. I would also get a trampoline for our first born son (and me :-)
summer06 August 2012, 18:20 I'd go Argos and buy the new ipad!
afy796 August 2012, 17:49 If I would have won Love2shop gift card with £500 credit, I will be over the moon as my sister's wedding is coming soon and I need some clothes and accessories for the wedding. Will be spending most of it in Debenhams Store as they got quality stuff at reasonable prices. Hope I will win the gift card.....
adsaz6 August 2012, 17:46 If I were to win the £500 love to shop gift card I would use it to treat my husband and children, it is our wedding anniversary at the end of the month (14 years! ) And I would love to be able to treat him, he became my carer during this time as I became disabled, he is my knight in shining Armour and has never once complained even though money has been tight so never really been able spoil him, also I would treat my 3 children as they miss out on a lot due to my health so it would be nice to treat them and see them smile. Any left would be put towards christmas prezzies.
alcapone6 August 2012, 17:38 The £500 love2shop gift card would really help me treat my lovely wife and 1yr old son to some much needed gifts as I have not been able to afford anything for my marriage anniversary,sons first birthday and wife's birthday all in aug 2012.Argos for the wife to buy household items/Furnishings (rugs,curtains,hoover,fridge)and trip to Toysrus for little man for toys maybe those expensive eletric cars. Please let it be me!!
alcapone6 August 2012, 17:27 The £500 Love2shop gift card would really help me treat my lovely wife and 1yr old son to some much needed gifts as I have not been able to afford anything for my marriage anniversary,sons first birthday and wife's birthday all in aug 2012.Please let it be me!!
douflyone6 August 2012, 17:00 Its my 10th wedding anniversary soon, so theres something to celebrate. A record for some these days. Ive recently lost my job so times are getting harder. The £500 would take the pressure off. So I think I would spend the money on sparkless for the misses and start Xmas shopping early for the kids.
Daenerys_Targaryen6 August 2012, 16:28 Im a single mum, and would love to treat my 10 year old daughter to a bedroom makeover, £500 at Argos would help towards that, she needs a more grown up bed and better storage, Im sure a few toys to play with will be snuck in too. :O)
6 August 2012, 15:43 ... Not only is Christmas making it's way to us super quickly.. £500 could also go towards replacing my washing machine (that only works on one setting) and my hoover which although it work the hoover head has broke... I could then add the money I saved to our house account for when we have to move out of our rented house on 31st January... A little can go a long way ;-) xx ps maybe even sneak a little treat for the girls....
kopite336 August 2012, 15:05 I would love to win £500 shopping voucher so we can spend it in jjb sports cus we are all football mad,also keep some for xmas of course :)
6 August 2012, 14:53 I would use the whole £500 at hmv.....That should provide a whole year of DVDs to watch ..One per week. Now if only they sold popcorn
YummyMummy16 August 2012, 13:35 I would love to win £500!! I would treat my two children to a few bits and bobs and then ssve the rest to start my xmas shopping!! As i'm currently looking for work this would make my xmas!!
Emmie236 August 2012, 12:24 I would treat my husband to a new push bike from Halfords as he has just been unexpectantly made redundant and it would be lovely to be able to treat him for his birthday and our wedding anniversary on the 26th August as I am not going to be able to this year.
china19586 August 2012, 11:58 Argos and buy an iPhone, I only have £44 at the moment! The £500 would be great!!!!
colettethomas6 August 2012, 07:55 I would spend it on a fashionable outfit and a couple of pair of shoes shoes from New Look, a designer outfit from Jasper Conran Debenhams, a top from River Island, a new set of bedding from Matalan and Iceland to get a scrumptious large chicargo town stuffed crust barbeque pizza and profiteroles to celebrate my win :) mmm
Danielc41826 August 2012, 03:04 I would spend it at argos and spend 400 on furniture and 100 on me :p
engowen6 August 2012, 00:30 Would love you spend the giftcard on homebase as i'd just moved house.
yevgenym5 August 2012, 22:59 Argos and new iPad!
pnpsuknet5 August 2012, 22:24 I would love to win £500 in vouchers, our baby is due in a few weeks and it would be great to treat our other child and get the last things from argos for baby.
LPT5 August 2012, 19:25 My long awaited first grandchild is due in 3 weeks so I would hot foot it down to Babies r us and spend spend spend without worrying about the credit card bill coming in later!
CBTT5 August 2012, 19:14 I would let my 1yr old go crazy in the Early Learning Center and get a load of babywipes. Anything left over goes towards daddies bike.
sweir15 August 2012, 19:09 I need myself some kitchen utilities so argos it would be for me
leopardprint5 August 2012, 16:54 I would love to win to give this to my precious Mom.She has been through so much including ovarian cancer she needs a treat!
Satchmo15 August 2012, 14:29 For a new wedding ring for my lovely husband. He's lost so much weight that his ring is dangerously loose.

Let me show him my love by picking my entry to win £500 pretty please!
hart2hart5 August 2012, 12:45 I would love to shop for my daughter due to have her baby in December (my first grandchild) xx
GilesD775 August 2012, 08:47 I would love to give my little 3 year old Boy Oliver a £500 spending trip in elc, he would be so happy and unable to control his excitement!
5 August 2012, 08:20 I have just recently moved house because I have taken on an extra child and would love to be able to decorate.
James_Wallace_5 August 2012, 06:48 I would use the £500.00 in Homebase to purchase items for my lovely new house I have just moved into, that would help me massively as the funds are quite tight at the minute and will be for some while !!
4 August 2012, 16:38 By a tripod stand for my camera and spend the rest on a Samsung Smart tv.
Mr_bronte4 August 2012, 10:27 I would go on a spending spree in argos,or maybe a Ipad, fun fun fun!
mulchface4 August 2012, 10:22 I'd shop in Homebase & Debenhams and use the £500 to decorate the house.
angel014 August 2012, 09:21 Would use the vouchers to buy books for my degree course from waterstone, as a mature student juggling work/Academic/Family life it would come in very handy and spend the rest toys and gadgets for my four sons and partner.
4 August 2012, 08:40 Argos, Comet and Debenhams would be loving helping me spend £500 on nick nacks and gadgets for my first home with my partner!
graceandowen4 August 2012, 03:32 I would have to spend my £500 gift voucher at Toys r us, I have 2 young children and they would have the time of their lives getting to spend £250 each in toys r us.
3 August 2012, 21:35 I would raffle this off in order to raise some much needed cash for the Kirkwood Hospice Capital Appeal (
wiffyboy19853 August 2012, 18:50 I'd be straight down to homebase to getmany nice things for my garden! I'd then get off to Toys r Us and get ahead with some ealry christmas shopping!
motorhome3 August 2012, 18:01 I would love to win the £500 gift card so I can spend it at Homebase on paint and wallpaper to decorate my house. Fingers crossed
3 August 2012, 16:48 I doubt that anyone from here will win,but I have to optimist as well.I would probably donate to poor children.
dr_green3 August 2012, 14:44 With 3 lively boys keeping them entertained during our (summer) lol is hard work but with 500 love to shop to spend in toys r us would definately put a smile on at least 4 faces xx
jumie3 August 2012, 14:22 It would go a long way into shopping for items towards my upcoming wedding from Debenhams and Next as it seems I would not be able to have enough money for a decent wedding. Winning the voucher would truly be fabulous.
kellysmum3 August 2012, 13:23 If I were a lucky winner, I would shop till I dropped at Debenhams, fingers crossed.
mm763 August 2012, 13:06 After being unemployed for a while earlier this year i'd be able to have a holiday abroad courtesy of a love2shop gift card!
3 August 2012, 12:52 This is fantastic I could give my children a fab Christmas.
AhmedZ3 August 2012, 11:52 £500 ideal money for a the new iPad from Comet, Argos or hmv :)
nickynackynoo3 August 2012, 10:02 I'd spend it allin toys r us and then not have to worry about xmas!!
blueaston3 August 2012, 09:56 We've just had our garden extended a bit and would love to go to Homebase and buy some big plants and a really nice set of garden furniture.
missiboo3 August 2012, 09:00 After 8 years are bathroom is still not finished with £500 love2shop I could finally have a relaxing roomto unwind in.
eddieed3 August 2012, 08:37 A well earned holiday for me and my family
kayku20033 August 2012, 03:03 I would be buying an ipad from argos if I win £500 LOVE2SHOP giftcard
Zyphlon2 August 2012, 23:32 River Island Shopping spree!

Boots, Jacket, Tees, Jeans, Scarves. You get the idea!
Purplesais772 August 2012, 23:21 A big day out for my mum, big sis and Grandma. My grandfather died with demetia a few years ago and now my grandma is going the same way. So a big day out with just us girls at Debenhams whilst she can still enjoy it would be perfect.
afm2 August 2012, 23:17 I would spend it at homebase as we just bough our first home and, unfortunaley, had quite a few nasty surprises. Now we need to do a lot of decorating and money is tight.
hiltonlisa72 August 2012, 22:53 It would be a fab excuse to go shopping spontaneously living like a star for the day buying whatever I fancied. Maybe a bag from river Island a dress from warehouse - shoes from dorothy perkins love it!
j3nbob2 August 2012, 21:04 Well with my 9 week old baby I received lots of money and gift vouchers to spend on him but I am still wearing my old maternity clothes. I think if I was lucky enough to win I would finally treat myself to some new lovely new clothes(that fit!!)From Debenhams plus I would hopefully have enough left over to treat my hubby too ;)
seavilmi2 August 2012, 17:05 I think i'd spend it on a new suit at m&S, mine's getting a bit old! Wanna look fly! ;)
jamju2 August 2012, 16:17 Either an oven or a laptop from Argos, whichever generates more heat...
julesintheforest2 August 2012, 15:21 I would spend mine on treating myself... Just because I deserve it xxx
2 August 2012, 14:20 I would buy lots of perfume and body products from Boots!
haxel2 August 2012, 13:32 In the unlikely event I won £500 credit on a Love2Shop Gift Card I would spend it in Homebase on lots of paint and wooden flooring. (I'd also buy my husband a bottle of wine and break the news gently of just how much work he had to do!).
emshep2 August 2012, 13:11 I would spend some money in Matalan on home furnishings.
91032540342 August 2012, 11:37 I'd love to win a gift card, so i'll be able to treat my kids and buy my husband a new laptop
mummysmurf2 August 2012, 11:15 I'd love £500 to spend on some new bedroom funature!!
2 August 2012, 10:32 Mmmmm Thats Just Bliss Imagine All The Things That I Could Buy That Need Replacing In This House Huhhhh It Would All Be Spent In The Argos Where I Can Kit The Childrens Bedrooms Out And If Anything Left The Living Room.
KatiePrice2 August 2012, 08:44 I'd spend the £500 at Argos as there's something for everyone there so I would be able to treat my husband and children (with a bit left over for me!) X
valeriel2 August 2012, 06:37 What could be better - £500 to spend on shoes!!!
New5022 August 2012, 01:10 I would buy a new tv from Argos
2 August 2012, 00:35 I would spend the money on replacing my kitchen cupboard doors. They are past it.
DebsK791 August 2012, 23:16 Donate it to my friends Charity Auction in aid of the Evelina Childrens Hospital in London who saved her daughters life x
lionsl20051 August 2012, 22:47 I would love to shop in Mother care for my little Angel.
Madeindevon1 August 2012, 21:50 I would spend the £500 in Homebase on my home and garden, some lovely plants and decking most probably, I have the potential of a lovely garden but it definately needs some money spent on it.
yummymummy861 August 2012, 21:44 I would spend it in bhs, debenhams and Iceland as I am getting married on the 8th of September and the extra cash would defo come in handy right now! X
RFCB1 August 2012, 21:08 Ans would spend at John Lewis, some new homewares...And clothes for the kids!
simon31leeds1 August 2012, 20:55 House of Fraser would be a great love2shop store to visit - i've ripped my work suit and in desperate need of another so this'd come in really handy!
1 August 2012, 19:45 I wud probly by a ipod @ Comet cuz they hav gud spel chek
jilltony1 August 2012, 18:49 I would love to start a hobby with photography so I would spend mine on a new camera I have seen in Jessops :)
mrsrefund1 August 2012, 18:10 I would spend the Love2Shop vouchers on a new Sofa @ Argos.
1 August 2012, 17:58 With birthdays coming up, i'd be getting presents at Debenhams!
Important_Notice1 August 2012, 14:51 I'd definately spend the giftcard in Iceland since they started selling Greggs sausage rolls and steak bakes.
ryoooohyus1 August 2012, 14:13 If I was to win, I would spend the money in Argos as I have just brought my first car but it has no stereo so I would love to buy a new stereo for it! :)
mkeddy1 August 2012, 13:26 If I was lucky enough to win, I would spend the money in Argos and Toysrus for christmas presents for my 2 little boys. I was really ill last christmas, so the gift card would make this an extra special xmas for my boys.
CMC1 August 2012, 13:08 Would spend mine at one of the lovely jewellers as my partner very good at ignoring my hints :-(
rharper831 August 2012, 12:49 In all honesty, i'd probably over-indulge and buy myself some new summer clothes, in anticipation of the summer that must be on it's way at some point... Would probably go shopping to Debenhams, jjb, and River Island. That is, unless my partner got her hands on it first :)
chrisie811 August 2012, 12:36 I Would buy my daughter a trampoline from Toys r us and probably a new lens for my partners camera :-)
TOMMYDES1 August 2012, 12:12 I am currently revamping my house and these vouchers would come in handy to but painting and decorating essentials. It would be great to see it done by the end of the year, its been 3 years so far.
Mackinnations1 August 2012, 10:44 ...I'd probably just buy a bunch of random stuff I didn't need from many of these shops!
Scubamartin1 August 2012, 08:11 Missed the shop off post i's spend it in Argos for the kids christmaas presents so they have an extra special one.
Scubamartin1 August 2012, 08:07 I'd keep it for christmas for the kids so they can have an extra special one this year.
lehcarbunny31 July 2012, 22:48 I'd use it on the love to travel shop as that's exactly what I love to do, Greece needs me!
emf198131 July 2012, 22:04 If I was lucky enough to win I would use the love to shop voucher card in mothercare and toysrus :)
As a new mum I could pick the essential baby bits from mothercare that I have as yet not got and get ahead with some educational toys for my little princess ..... Hear is to dreaming :) xxx
Halkerstone31 July 2012, 21:03 I would use the £500 love2shop card at Homebase and I would buy paint, brushes, wallpaper and furniture for my conservatory as it's in need of tender loving care.
Trainset31 July 2012, 20:40 I chose the love2shop gift card for my cashback as we needed some new household bits. I did my shopping in Argos with the card and got given a £5 gift card for spending over £50. So, I was spending money that I was given for buying things I would normally buy and with all the usual discounts I search for and in spending it - I got given more money!!
becks2131 July 2012, 19:48 After failing to become one of the uk's 100 millionaires on Friday night (of which i've now come to terms with), a £500 giftcard would be a lovely consolation prize to either book a holiday or simply go on a clothes shopping spree in New Look! Fingers crossed... !
stickortwist31 July 2012, 17:49 So we've been struggling to find the cash to keep a roof above our heads for the past couple of months, and now have another rough month as I make the transition into a new job.

Through it all my partner has stood by me and supported me even though he's getting stressed with the workload of his new career and effectively having to support me too.

We never have any spare cash to do anything together as a couple, and although he insists just spending time with me is enough - i'd love to do that something extra.

A £500 love2shop gift card would pay for a long weekend away, a great way to relax and put this stress behind us. (You can use them online to book holidays)

I have my fingers crossed =]
AVIP31 July 2012, 16:45 Would love to win £500 gift card as our wedding anniversary is coming and would love to buy iPad for my hubby.
Seans2G31 July 2012, 16:19 Hi would take my wife shopping for a new wardrobe. She has lost over three stone this year and is working towards her fourth! She would really love a top to toe make over, and new clothes.
LittleDude120931 July 2012, 16:16 Winning this would be perfect timing as we are just in the process of buying a new home- I could kit out my sons new room with everything he could ever want ;-)
masters31 July 2012, 15:24 I would stock up on nappies from Boots!
Dean_Hughes31 July 2012, 13:08 It would have to be spent on my two ladies. 1st would be in Toys r Us on my daughter along with a couple of nice treats for my darling wife.
Lalypop31 July 2012, 11:50 I would use it for Christmas presents
EmsieJ31 July 2012, 11:47 Ernest Jones to buy my fiancee an Emporio Armani watch as a wedding present.
Jo1024655024331 July 2012, 10:58 Id also Treat my fiance for being the best Father and Husband to be a woman can ask for, as well as my two little girls to a nice big present for christmas and their birthdays each.

My eldest daughter was born on christmas day bless her! :)

Thank You
31 July 2012, 10:37 Well with a new baby on the way due at Christmas time I would love to buy some things from Babies 'r' Us. I would also treat my other half with something from Halfords and maybe if there is anything left over I would buy myself a new bag from River Island. Oh and I would get my pets some treats from Wilkonsons :d
31 July 2012, 09:13 My wife's had a pretty rubbish year, so i'd spend it on some new clothes and accessories from Next for her to help put a smile back on her face
Empressss031 July 2012, 04:11 If I was lucky enough to win £500 I would buy my mum something beautiful from h samuels to say thank you for all the wonderful childhood memories she has given us and to thank her for the support and unwaivering love throughout our adulthood.
danasentra31 July 2012, 03:28 I will use half of it to pamper my self at boots and a few new cloth from debenham. Half of it I will spend it at mothercare and elc for my little one to enjoy a few new toys and clothes for the coming cold weather
31 July 2012, 01:39 With a £500 gift card I reckon I could get a little something for the special people/Animals in my life, from all of the retailers in the Love2Shop scheme. It'd be fun buying one gift from each store. Yay!
scorpiostu31 July 2012, 00:54 I'd love to win £500 to spend at river island and would use it to treat my younger sister to a new wardrobe of clothes, she recently had a major operation and has lost a lot of weight it would really cheer her up :-)
IAP24354231 July 2012, 00:41 Being my self as a first time buyer , £500 gift voucher will give me enormous contribution toward upcoming cost / Budget.
redchris230 July 2012, 23:23 It would be lovely to spend £500 on my first grandchild!
Pep30 July 2012, 22:49 GOT to be £500 at h sAMUALS for the most gorgerous ring for my loved one
babimama0930 July 2012, 22:31 I'd spend it on an all in one computer for my home and a leappad for my son for christmas.
chubaby30 July 2012, 21:16 I would love to have argos vouchers
chrissiecomp30 July 2012, 20:54 I would love to win this as there is a Foodbank where I live, and are desperate for aid. I would use this voucher to help them
bargainbuyer30 July 2012, 19:56 Can this be used to shop at online retailers? Some of these stores are not near me but are online, thanks.
30 July 2012, 19:03 I would like to say somewhere glamourous, clothes or jewellery but more likely it would be used in Mothercere to kit out the nursery for our new arrival - and a little something for our daughter, who is patiently waiting for her new brother or sister
30 July 2012, 18:54 I'd love to take my sister and nephews on a shopping spree as they deserve it. I'd buy me a new bikini and spend the rest between next and early learning centre/Toys r us on my beautiful nephews!
00DutsonE30 July 2012, 16:31 I'd spend a £500 Love2Shop voucher in Mothercare, buying lots of treats for my nephew-to-be, who's due in just a few months!
30 July 2012, 15:49 I would be able to say "yes you can" instead for "no you can't" to my sons and grandsons which would make us all really happy :)
bumblebee1130 July 2012, 14:12 I would spend the money on christmas presents for my family, my mam wants a laptop.
vidanova30 July 2012, 13:49 I would put it towards a new tv or a phone as , I washed my mobile. At Argos or comet
calumh30 July 2012, 08:58 I would buy my wonderful girlfriend some special jewellery from h.Samuel!
lcv30 July 2012, 08:08 I would love to use my Love2shop balance to buy my son a new bed!
30 July 2012, 05:39 I will treat my family with 3d tv
30 July 2012, 01:41 I would spend it on loads of gifts for the kids in my family for an upcoming celebration..Argos it.. N the rest kit myself n family for anything we need.
lconlaptop29 July 2012, 23:25 I would shop at Argos and buy some things for the house, but would let my 4 children choose some lovely treats for themselves!!!!
priorslee29 July 2012, 22:20 Currys for me as I need to get a new tv
JanR2129 July 2012, 21:01 I would go to Homebase as I love their paint. My cats have scratched paintwork on my stairs (and the stair carpet - but that's another story) and once the children go back to school i'm starting to paint the entire house.
29 July 2012, 19:23 I would shop at Argos as I am moving house soon and will need new furniture
Trace3829 July 2012, 18:03 I would love to buy my carers something nice for all the things they do for me and maybe get a bit of money I need towards a laptop as I have not got one after mine broke and am having to borrow a friends Netbook which, is sweet of them but is not fast enough or able to manage the amount I do online. I help a debt organisation where many people have now lost their homes due to the crisis we are living in at the moment. I do this in my spare time and its a free site as they helped me when I needed the help and support after getting behind with things when I became very ill a few years ago. I am still ill and have had a further 5th back operation and hopefully after rehab I maybe able to start to live!
kakuenmo29 July 2012, 15:18 Would use it in Currys to get myself a 3D tv for the new football season :-d
29 July 2012, 13:20 I would get a camera for my partner who is a budding photographer!
mjg198129 July 2012, 13:18 There is always something to choose from in Argos so I would love to shop there!
neas8129 July 2012, 13:16 I'm always running late for things, with £500 I could buy a watch, and perhaps an alarm clock!
29 July 2012, 11:54 I hate to shop as money is tight, so this site is a lifesaver when bringing in a little extra cash after buying esentials such as insurance- i've been using it for years and have made over £800. I'm moving home next month and the £500 would go a really long way to kitting out my bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen
29 July 2012, 11:00 I would do up the new flat i'm moving to with furniture,appliances, decorating equipment etc from Homebase, Argos & Wilkinsons. Fill my freezer courtesy of Iceland! Have a large photo taken of me and my 'children' at Jessops. And with wotevas left treat my family, partner n me with gifts I can afford from bhs, Matalan, h Samuel, jjb Sports, House of Fraser, Superdrug, New Look, Boots or Faith. This fantastic prize would make this year so fantastic!!
suzannecotton29 July 2012, 10:57 I would use mine to shop at Mothercare, for all the things I still need to buy before my baby is due in dec!
kpdavies29 July 2012, 10:43 I would love to buy new luggage at argos.
nic0la29 July 2012, 10:33 I would use the love2shop card at Argos and order immediately a brand new fridge if I win !
muffet429 July 2012, 10:29 I would buy an i-pad from Comet.
29 July 2012, 09:53 If I won the £500 i'd treat me and my husband to some new furniture for our house from Argos, and probably get myself a good quality graphics tablet that actually works!! And probably finish it off by completing some dvd collections that I haven't quite been able to afford yet...Small dreams, I know!!
Ramblings29 July 2012, 09:03 I'd spend it on a new sofa from Debenhams
gld7329 July 2012, 00:33 I've just moved house, so could easily spend it at Homebase on all the stuff I need for diy!!
Steveblackthorn28 July 2012, 22:34 I would buy the good people @ a thank you gift (maybe some nice chocolate) and then I would spoil my lovely wife with the rest because she has to live with me!!
Dan12328 July 2012, 21:44 I would like to buy a Samsung Galaxy 3 mobile phone from Comet.
antweb28 July 2012, 18:52 A necklace for my girlfriend from h Samuel!
leedsbargaintart6428 July 2012, 17:38 If I won I would buy some camera equipment from jessops
28 July 2012, 16:42 I will like to use this for shopping at debenhams
oushka28 July 2012, 12:48 I would spend it in Boots on reuseable nappies and wipes for my 8 week old son. And the rest in Comet for a new washing machine to keep them clean! Eco friendly and benefitting my household bills in the long term. A new a* Rated washer would do wonders to my electric bill every month & Not using nappies, nappy sacks and wipes ten times a day would keep the landfill that little bit smaller.
JAYJME28 July 2012, 11:10 I would buy a nice new laptop :d
yobba28 July 2012, 10:35 I would by a decent camera from Jessops
Dragon900028 July 2012, 08:39 I would use it to do some much needed house repairs
pintofhof128 July 2012, 08:29 I would give it to my long suffering girlfriend for her to have a crazy shopping day .
kazzysammy12327 July 2012, 23:08 Id use the money to start up my own business which ive been wanting to do now for months but in need of a laptop and satnav!
lizziebell27 July 2012, 23:03 It would be fab to win this card as will need a tonne of baby stuff for the birth of my daughter in Oct so prob mothercare and boots but also trying to move house and do new house up so possibly some home stuff from Argos (if it all didn't get spent on fun stuff like nappies!)
Marcosnell27 July 2012, 21:58 Id spend All the cash on toys for the kids , or a couple of bikes.
luieromano27 July 2012, 20:47 I would spend some of the £500 on new clothes at house of fraser :)
skellbird27 July 2012, 19:19 I would spend the lot on christmas for the family and make it the best one ever not having to worry about money
Kazzc8327 July 2012, 17:59 If I won the £500 gift card I would re-decorate my livingroom and get new Wooden floors. Been in my house for 6 years and really struggle to afford to do decorating so it would come in very handy.
paulineb2927 July 2012, 16:53 If I won the £500 credit I would treat myself to an ipad from argos.
kunwarjot27 July 2012, 16:49 If I won this I use more with TopCashback website so I remember everytime I spent both of them and enjoy with them my celebrations
Emma S27 July 2012, 16:05 If I won the £500 Love to Shop card I would spend it in Argos on wedding rings for me and my fiance and we have been together for 11 years and have 2 children and keep putting off getting married as we can't afford it.
27 July 2012, 15:40 If I won this compo I would go absolutely mad and shop till I drop
treacleplops27 July 2012, 15:31 I would spend it all in argos on a treadmill because I need to get fit whilst I watch the olympics its inspired me.Get fit for my hols in september
Twinkler27 July 2012, 14:10 I would love to spend the whole £500 at homebase, so I could have a beautiful house to relax in
JennyD197727 July 2012, 14:10 If I was lucky enough to win, i'd probably spend some of it on Benefit cosmetics in Debenhams or Boots. And the rest i'd treat my 2 munchkins to some things from Toys'r'Us. And i'd treat my husband too...
heathercalver27 July 2012, 13:12 I would more than likely end up at mothercare or argos for my sons but im sure there would be a little bit left to trat myself in all the shops if I wanted too!!
nfogell27 July 2012, 11:37 £500 to spend in hmv would be amazing; there's so many films and albums i've missed out on recently.
jedicho27 July 2012, 09:20 I would like to spend the Love2shop Gift Card at Argos
abowinder27 July 2012, 09:11 I used to have Love2shop vouchers. My employer gave them to me as abonus. I spend at Homebase for home decoration and River Island clothes sales. :)) Love it!
AliGreen27 July 2012, 08:55 I would like a love 2 shop card to spend at argos to but my daughter a much need new bed.
BOLU27 July 2012, 08:50 I want to shop at argos and get a new hd tv
27 July 2012, 08:26 I love to shop at Argos and would love to buy a new sofa as mine has seen many better days!

danl3327 July 2012, 07:56 I would spend it at argos and get one of those new tablet devices
sweety_i_86727 July 2012, 07:38 If I won I would spend it on my 5 Grandchildren for Christmas at Argos & Toysrus. That's why I got my card, so I can save it all for them for Christmas.
pyhomer27 July 2012, 04:04 I'll spend it all on my two year old girl. Toys r us and argos here we come.
27 July 2012, 01:41 For me Wilkinsons, to be able to help move in to my new home!!
26 July 2012, 22:22 I'd use it for food shopping at Iceland
26 July 2012, 22:15 Ii love love2shop vouchers! Theyre so versatile and almost as good as cash! Argos and debenhamsa mostly to cover most people and my daughter who thinks she can have everything and anything cos its alright cos father christmas sorts it out! I wish!
carowood26 July 2012, 21:58 Argos - I would love an iPad
sunnygirl7626 July 2012, 21:28 Argos, where i'd buy toys and bedroom furniture for my children.
chemeng26 July 2012, 21:04 For my gadget fix, i'd use the £500 credit at Comet for a shiny new Windows 8 tablet, once they arrive at the market that is.
shazzyk26 July 2012, 20:48 I would go to Faith...Because a girl can never have too many shoes!!
sapling26 July 2012, 19:45 I would buy £500 worth of Yankie Candles. My house would smell lush!!!
26 July 2012, 18:40 I would go to argos and do a huge chunk of christmas shopping done early
alika3026 July 2012, 18:39 Debenhams is my favourite!
amanda230526 July 2012, 18:22 Comet for a new laptop and if there's anything left, Boots as I could do with some pampering!!
kelzw26 July 2012, 15:43 I would go to argos and treat myself to some new bedroom furniture and if anything left get something for the kids
Peardrop0626 July 2012, 15:10 I would spend it in a few places
Debenhams and Matalan, to revamp my wardrobe a little,
Argos becasue we need some shelves
And halfords is my husbands favourite shop
Dragonflies26 July 2012, 14:24 It is the place to get a bit of everything or anything.
26 July 2012, 14:13 I'd use the card at Argos to buy bedroom furniture
26 July 2012, 13:40 Ide use it for my food shopping at iceland,would really help
paulpeeling26 July 2012, 13:22 I would spend at HomeBase giving the house a lick of paint and touch-up
26 July 2012, 12:45 Great to have another payment option on TCB !!
vhussey26 July 2012, 12:18 I'd buy loads of stuff from toys r us for my daughter (and maybe some games for me...)
26 July 2012, 11:07 Its our 5th Wedding Anniversary soon and i'd love to treat my husband to some gadgets at the Argos store! It'll be such a thrill for him, to get to pick anything he fancies! :)
Budliam26 July 2012, 10:59 I would go to Debenhams and treat my Grandaughter, Grandson and forthcoming grandchild to some designer outfits.
waspo26 July 2012, 10:09 I would spend £500 on my 2 week old grandson in debenhams.
26 July 2012, 09:43 A big one!
Moi26 July 2012, 01:19 I would go to Debenhams and buy some clothes & Toys (some educational) for my son and treat myself to an Oral b electric toothbrush.
sirboggy26 July 2012, 01:18 I would buy the guys n girls a gift at TopCashback and keep rest for a rainy day:)
harmofwill25 July 2012, 22:47 To spend at Debenhams on some bridesmaids dresses :)
clarem10025 July 2012, 18:43 I would go to Argos and get some furniture
Johnyb7225 July 2012, 18:30 Love (need) a new fridge freezer!
Jospanna1325 July 2012, 15:04 I would take my daughter to toys r us and splash out on fun things to do/ Play with. Definitely a big trampoline would be the first on the list!
richy_rowley25 July 2012, 00:22 Get some new clothes for the summer
24 July 2012, 22:45 I'd have to spend it all at Argos! Would use it to buy a big shed for the garden because we need the extra space.
daverosser24 July 2012, 16:20 I would buy some garden play equipment from Toys r Us for my little ones.
Member7668349062424 July 2012, 11:58 Head to argos to buy lots of lego for ma wee boy.
SineadORebellion24 July 2012, 11:51 Debenhams - i'd love to be able to treat myself and my mum to some new clothes, and new underwear for me, and if there was any money left over - i'd nip to Iceland and stock up my freezer!
parag_sharma24 July 2012, 11:34 I would buy new suits and a new bed from our local Debenhams
24 July 2012, 10:53 I'd spend them at Matalan getting a new wardrobe, as i've lost weight, then going on a day out to thorpe park :)
friend24 July 2012, 02:46 I'd spend the £500 prize at Argos on Christmas presents for my family and perhaps a little something as a treat for myself!
mohammad_azhar24 July 2012, 00:44 I would love to buy De'Longhi Magnifica Bean to Cup Coffee Maker from argos :)

Latte every day!!!
Member6223351561523 July 2012, 21:41 Debenhams - I would buy myself a Kitchen Aid for baking, I will bake to my hearts content for daughters school charity bake sale and local hospital fundraising events. MMmmm....Fingers crossed!! Everyone's a winner!
BexD23 July 2012, 21:17 I would love to go to Debenhams to buy lots of fab shoes!
Loucien23 July 2012, 19:24 I'd spread the wealth and buy lots of great stuff and tasty treats.
23 July 2012, 18:01 Upon winning the £500 I would be out stimulating the greater economy by buying all kinds of stuff, making the world a better place through rampant consumerism.
jandoc23 July 2012, 17:14 I would buy a bigger tv
23 July 2012, 16:41 In true TopCashback saving style.....

I'd wait until argos have their £10 gift card for spending £100 offer on and then get all the things I need for my new house.

5 x orders of £100 and that's an extra £50 Argos gift cards to use.

£550 will cover the tv, Kettle, toaster, cutlery, plates, glasses, curtains, curtain rails,units, baby gates etc that we need for the house. Maybe even cashback if can card can be used online.

As always a super Top cashback deal! :)
BargainHunter2023 July 2012, 16:31 Hmmm…We’Ve just moved house so what could we not want to spend in on…

1) A few tins of paint to make the girls room a nice shade of pink from Homebase and some serious ant powder as our back garden is over-run with fire ants.

2) A lovely playhouse from toys r us for the girls who have never had a garden and although it’S very small they think it’S absolutely the best (once they can get into it that is without getting bitten).

3) Off to Mothercare to get a new toddler bed for little one as we now have space for her to have her own bed and some black out curtains so the little monsters do not wake us up at 5am wanting to get up and into the garden.

4) Off to boots to get some plasters for all the injuries the other half will get whilst completing the diy and something for the ‘Man flu’ Once the novelty of doing it has grown off.

Seriously, we wouldn’T have been able to move without the help of some super friends who helped carry the heavy furniture down from a top floor flat (no lift) and it would be nice to use some money in Iceland and hold a bbq to thank everyone that helped out. Ant infestation pending of course….
RHamid23 July 2012, 15:43 I would buy my brother an iPhone from Argos. He deserves a treat after having a tough time in life. He's bought me so many things and given me money but best of all we are great friends too. I Love2Shop for family and friends.
cheekychicken2423 July 2012, 15:37 Have to go for Argos and get a new tv - would like to mpve our old one to the bedroom, and have a shiny new one in the front room!
23 July 2012, 13:45 I would spend the money on a new bed, ours is currently being held up by bricks!
joandmike8123 July 2012, 11:54 I've finally found the focus this year to lose the weight I put on when I had my daughter (5 years ago) and have had to buy a new summer wardrobe as I am 4 sizes smaller... I would spend the voucher on a winter wardrobe from Debenhams as otherwise, it could be a chilly winter :o)
23 July 2012, 08:26 I have just moved into my new house.
I would use the money to buy my mom some flowers who has been doing my washing and then buy a washing machine which I very much could do with and a settee. That would be amazing!!
hldomster23 July 2012, 01:35 I think i'd by a good bicycle from Halfords. I stopped riding years ago because I could never afford a decent bike and the cheap ones I bought always broke down. Given that Bradley Wiggins has just become the first ever Brit to win the Tour de France, and with the Olympics just around the corner, it seems fitting to take part in the British bike racing renaissance and get myself some wheels!
Scchin22 July 2012, 22:25 I'd spend mine in Tesco to help out with our weekly shop!
GillianY122 July 2012, 22:08 I would spend the £500 on Christmas present from Argos (scary that I am already planning Christmas and its only July!!)
domesticated22 July 2012, 20:39 I would go to Mataland and get my grandsons school uniforms
darkdolly22 July 2012, 18:53 I would spend it at toys r us on my three lovely daughters x
22 July 2012, 15:21 I would spend it at Debenhams as Im in the process of getting my first house and it could come in useful for some lovely kitchen accessories etc :)
Thanks for a fab comp x
22 July 2012, 10:44 Comet for a mac mini
22 July 2012, 06:34 I'd like to buy a brand new Iphone !!!
22 July 2012, 02:58 Love this voucher. Great choice to offer this as a payment method.You guys rock :)) thanks

Now Competition. Love it and pray I win :))

I would go shopping at b&Q with my £500 love to Shop voucher from this competition. I just got new furniture in my living room and the room needs to be painted, and need desperately a new laminate floor. I wanted to decorate this room for a very long time, but being disabled and wheelchair bound I relay on others to do it for me. My Family living in Germany and my friends always at work or busy in their own home.The £500 prize win money would cover the cost to pay some1 to do it for me. The rest (if their is some money left) I would spend at Wilkinson to buy some dog treats for my 3 best friends my dogs. They helping me every day with daily tasks and they deserve to get a big treat.
21 July 2012, 23:33 Halfords as I would like a new bike mine is over 10 years old and constantly needs repairing
21 July 2012, 23:31 I'd update my office wardrobe at House of Fraser! X
21 July 2012, 23:26 I would buy a new pc as mine is really on its last legs
indyjukebox21 July 2012, 23:18 Comet, probably for some Apple equipment or a new tv.
timmmers21 July 2012, 23:02 I'd hit Homebase for some decorating materials to finally finish the house off.
lalaboo21 July 2012, 22:41 I would happily spend £500 on a new wardrobe for myself.I have lost a lot of weight and I cant afford to buy new clothes so I wearing clothes 4 sizes too big.I would love to show off my new figure and feel the way I wanted to when I started my diet.
kj1921 July 2012, 21:38 I'm after a really nice coffee machine to take pride of place in my kitchen.. I love my coffee esp first thing in the morning
rumraisin21 July 2012, 21:32 I'd probably do something really boring and spend it on household essentials, ie groceries! Otherwise, i'd probably spend it on clothes for the family.
AndyE421 July 2012, 20:01 My dishwasher has given up so that's what i'd buy with the love 2shop vouchers!
gdreyer21 July 2012, 19:44 I'd spend mine in Tesco!
cinders5921 July 2012, 18:08 I would buy clothes for my Holls in Florida
hayleyab21 July 2012, 18:03 Just had an operation on my foot so very soon i'll be back in nice heels, a trip to Faith would be a definite pick me up
donut11121 July 2012, 17:02 I would do my grocery shop in Iceland!
cdnkt621 July 2012, 16:37 This would be a great win for me and I would use the £500 Gift Card to start my christmas shopping and save me worrying over it later on.
wbafcben21 July 2012, 16:36 I would also use the card for grocery shopping in Iceland - the 4% Top-up is a real perk!
Vikki_2021 July 2012, 15:26 Sad as it may seem but I wont be treating myself, I will be spending my winning gift card in Iceland filling up my freezer. Turkey Dinosaurs, £1 :)
cheekymelky21 July 2012, 15:00 Would love to win the £500 for my son who is off to uni this year. His old laptop is old and very slow and he deserves it after a year where he had a chest op in Great Ormond Street at christmas without a single moan and back to school after the holidays. He is a trooper!
purplezen21 July 2012, 14:51 I would go for a nice meal at Bella Italia, then buy an up to date stereo from Argos that I can listen to my downloads on, instead of just listening from mini speakers on my netbook.
Muddypaws21 July 2012, 14:17 We need more power, Monkey! Well, more power tools to be precise, so it would have to be homebase to buy myself some tools to help me garden, as i'm disabled. Or maybe a lovely shed to store all my garden bits & Pieces in. I love homebase, because I like gardening!
21 July 2012, 13:28 I'd buy some lovely new clothes to help me find a new job!
ihateipswich21 July 2012, 13:23 I would be off to Argos for one of them Ipad3 thingys!
Annimousey21 July 2012, 13:01 I'd spend the Love2Shop card at Mothercare for baby things for my baby which is due in December. It would make life so much easier!
21 July 2012, 12:09 I'd spend mine on River Island as Rihanna is about to launch a capsule collection with them! Maybe i'd buy myself a new umbrella-Ella-Ella-eh-eh-eh!
Linnyg21 July 2012, 11:23 I would go to Mothercare and buy a cot and some other lovely things to kit out a nursery for our new baby.
lesleyanndunn 21 July 2012, 11:03 I'd shop at New Look and buy myself a whole new wardrobe of clothes and shoes
bubbleybooboo21 July 2012, 10:45 I would have the gift card for toys r us and spend it all on my four children and spoil them rotten for christmas! After the rotten christmas we had last year with my baby son being in hospital for 13 months they all deserve a huge treat this year to make up for it x
lanale21 July 2012, 10:42 I'd buy an ipad from argos
Member10331527365721 July 2012, 10:29 I would use moeny to buy a new computer as mine is well past its 'use by date'
21 July 2012, 10:23 Something lovely for my daughters bedroom :)
21 July 2012, 09:36 I would use the card in Debenhams to buy gifts for my wedding party, including shoes for the bridesmaids and sweets for the sweetie bar. I'd also buy my wedding veil and a nice outfit to wear for the day after our wedding :d
21 July 2012, 09:26 I would get myself a new Dyson from Argos or Comet. Mine is on the way out.
ninuzzu21 July 2012, 09:02 It would have to be "make the wife happy" with makeup from Boots.
vickilanc21 July 2012, 08:54 Ooooo I think it would have to be Debenhams, i'd get everyones Christmas presents with it :)
aless0221 July 2012, 06:58 Hmm, I think I would use it to buy myself a whole new wardrobe from Dorothy Perkins!
21 July 2012, 05:55 Had my eye on an engagement ring in h Samuels for a while now but could never afford it. The £500 would be a massive bonus and getting the ring we wanted would get me loads of brownie points from my girlfriend, it would also get a loyal customer for life !!
21 July 2012, 05:45 I would spend it at toys r us on lego for my boys
21 July 2012, 00:45 I would spend it at toys r us on a pram for my expectant baby girl and toys for my other daughters birthday presents.
casper77721 July 2012, 00:18 I would spend the voucher at comet, I have wanted a 3d tv since they launched but have not had the money, I need 3d in my life
prwilson21 July 2012, 00:08 I'd get a tv from Comet, my current one is an analogue crt and so is now more effective as a paperweight.
Worriedmum21 July 2012, 00:02 My husband will hate me but I would spend it on paint and diy stuff from Homebase - lack of funds have been his excuse for the past 13 years, and that would buy a lot of paint!!
ashton5320 July 2012, 23:53 I'd buy an Ipad from Argos with it!
16751352120 July 2012, 23:47 I can imagine what I would buy with my £500 voucher if I am lucky enough to win. Some household items for my wonderful future home.
taz1020 July 2012, 23:32 Iceland stock up the freezer ready for christmas
20 July 2012, 23:25 I'd get a new gadget from Argos, and get some christmas pressies with the voucher :)
ancientian20 July 2012, 23:17 Recently purchased a micro four thirds camera. Would be nice to get a few more lenses for it.
1246362634320 July 2012, 23:10 Debenhams - for a whole new wardrobe of clothes!
Member7666261935720 July 2012, 22:21 I would love to go to Boots, and treat myself to make up, lotions and toiletries, and really give myself a pamper and relaxation session.
VelvetGlove20 July 2012, 22:11 I'd love to shop in h Samuel, with the giftcard, to buy an engagement ring & Our wedding rings.
pennwood20 July 2012, 22:09 I would go to Comet and buy an iPad3 if I was lucky enough to win
missjemmalouise20 July 2012, 22:08 I would take my mum on a shopping spree for her 40th birthday to any of the love2shop shops she wanted.
20 July 2012, 22:03 Def a new tv!!!!!!!!!
Roobyroo0720 July 2012, 21:51 I would buy a new washing machine and maybe dishwasher from Argos as both mine have packed in!
littleme9620 July 2012, 21:42 I would use the card in Homebase to buy lots of lovely plants for my new back garden.
jay4ay20 July 2012, 21:34 I would spend them in Iceland, it would solve my grocery shopping for quite a few months.
Lizzie14620 July 2012, 21:34 I would have to spend it on an e-reader or kindle to make my journey to my new workplace a much more riveting time of day! Seem to have lost a lot of money since moving to the Big Smoke...Doh.
kylemj20 July 2012, 21:33 I'd probably use mine on Wilkinsons as they have a fantastic range at Halloween and i'm planning on throwing a massive halloween party for friends and family!! Hahahahahha [Cackle like a witch lol]
girlracerxr3i20 July 2012, 21:31 I would get my little girl loads of musical instruments, and myself a pair of ear muffs ! !
JoDuhy20 July 2012, 21:31 I'm going on holiday and need lots of travel toiletries!
20 July 2012, 21:30 I would use mine at argos to stock up early with Christmas and Birthday presents for my grand children.
Ladybird6620 July 2012, 21:25 Lots of fab shops to choose from, but I think I would buy some new things for my home from homebase.
susiemc120 July 2012, 21:20 Iceland, yummy
jenniwren1220 July 2012, 21:18 I would go to argos and buy a freezer :-)
easter196520 July 2012, 20:55 I would love to win and would spend it at Toys 'r' Us. That's a lot of money Lol.
figgygee20 July 2012, 20:52 I'd love to revamp my kitchen with Debenhams.
20 July 2012, 20:51 River Island - As my current boots are falling apart and I haven't bought any clothes for summer, at all. (Not that i'd need to if this rainy weather keeps up) But still, an updated wardrobe would be nice!
lindyloo5020 July 2012, 20:42 My dishwasher is broken so that's what i'd buy with the Love 2shop vouchers!
itsmeexxx20 July 2012, 20:40 I would spend them in Argos on Crimbo pressies for my children.(Never to early to start) :-)
reddevilman20 July 2012, 20:23 Hmmm I think i`D get a blu ray player and build a nice collection with my gift card!! :-)
MrsAJ20 July 2012, 20:22 I would spend my giftcard in Argos on an Xbox Kinect and loads of games.
20 July 2012, 20:11 If I won the love2shop giftcard I would but a new slinline lcd tv =)
20 July 2012, 19:54 Would love to spoil the family
finleypop20 July 2012, 19:37 We're going to Walt Disney World
The cost has made my toes curl
We still need some cases
So the vouchers won't be wasted
It would be off to Argos for this girl!
sandian3120 July 2012, 19:25 It would have to be Argos for most things and Toys r Us
For my Grandaughter. I could spend thisquite easily in these 2 stores.
kldubbleu20 July 2012, 19:11 I would spend it all on at homebase and decorate my spare room.
darrell7_7420 July 2012, 18:59 Title just about sums up my £500 spend!!
purple4520 July 2012, 18:59 If I was lucky enough to win i'd sort my bathroom out by spending it at homebase. The tap broke off in my hand, and we already had a leak from under the bath into the bedroom ceiling. No money to do anything other than a patch up job! Then we found the lead pipes! Argghhh! If I won instead of just replacing pipes and taps, I could get a shower that works and a new carpet too and for once do a proper job!
Lauzipop20 July 2012, 18:55 I'd spend the voucher in House of Fraser to treat myself and the family.
pazanne20 July 2012, 18:48 I would spend mine at Argos on a new fridge freezer
davidhiscox20 July 2012, 18:46 Off to Comet for a new tv.
20 July 2012, 18:36 I would use the giftcard to treat my two grandchildren to presents from Toysrus.
Braveheart60uk20 July 2012, 18:32 I would use Argos and buy a new laptop
20 July 2012, 18:13 I'd visit John Lewis online and order a memory foam mattress ... Always wanted one.
rlholding20 July 2012, 18:11 I could do up my garden real Fab with a load of Love2shop Homebase stuff.

greenfrog20 July 2012, 17:58 I would hot-foot it down to Comet or Argos and get a new iPad 3!
Yaracuy20 July 2012, 17:55 John Lewis and my new washing machine, hurray!
susiebaby20 July 2012, 17:44 I would spend it in Debenhams on handbags and shoes
Hdh7420 July 2012, 17:23 I would go to Argos and get all the birthday and christmas pressies for my family. :)
angiemary20 July 2012, 17:23 It is now the six weeks holiday so winning this would be fantastic , I would go to Argos & Buy the children lots of things to keep them entertained.
closet20 July 2012, 17:21 What would I do with a £500 Love2Shop Gift Card..? I'd give my family a Christmas to remember without having to dread the January bank statement! :)
inbetween20 July 2012, 17:12 It is our 25th wedding anniversary in September so I would buy a lovely gift for my lovely husband with the gift card!
FawcettSA20 July 2012, 16:53 Wow £500, well if I am being sensible, I would go to Argos and get myself a desperately needed Washing Machine and Vaccuum Cleaner.
However, sometimes my heart rules my head and I might go for my heart's desire.....An iPad!
20 July 2012, 16:52 I have just moved into a new place after living with an alcoholic for years. I would use the money to buy some bits for the house and treat myself for once. Never had the mnoet before.
20 July 2012, 16:45 Would spoil my other half on the big 40th birthday and just let him go mad buying games and music so he will be entertained for years to come!
20 July 2012, 16:39 I'm in need of a new phone so I would definitely spend that money towards getting one.
crichcash20 July 2012, 16:35 I would love to spend the £500 on my gorgeous wife as we celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary-so much choice and a great amount top work through.
kylemac120 July 2012, 16:30 Because you can use it to purchase numerous items from food to photos and anything between.

Nomination: Boots.
mellychops20 July 2012, 16:15 I would love to win and I would spend most of it in comet on a new laptop and maybe use any change in wilkinsons on stationary. I've decided to go back to college at the age of 28 to gain access for a place at uni for nursing. So this would greatly help.
ameliabeanie20 July 2012, 16:04 I would shop at Mothercare and buy lots of things for my new baby.
sicnarf20 July 2012, 15:59 I would buy buy buy, if I won, thanks to love2shop, everywhere and anywhere!
20 July 2012, 15:59 I would shop at Argos and start my Christmas shopping nice and early!
vision12320 July 2012, 15:54 Tesco for a big food shop and Asda for back to school clothes for the kids ready for next term.
philiboy20 July 2012, 15:46 I'd got to Jessops and get my hands on a dslr that i've been lusting after for months, so I can take loads of pictures of my kids
olive20 July 2012, 15:21 Debenhams - I could cover myself in head to toe designer gear !!
glennamy20 July 2012, 15:15 I would spend them in Iceland. I would put on a big bbq! That's if we ever get a summer! ;0)
20 July 2012, 15:14 I spend the money for shopping at Tesco.
thunder220 July 2012, 15:13 Oh, i'd share it with my mum and we'd hit Debenhams...Hopefully during one of their big sales! I'm sure we could spend £500 between us on clothes alone never mind all the goodies in homewares!
anngwill20 July 2012, 15:08 I would shop at Argos as I could buy something for all the family.
20 July 2012, 15:08 Food in Iceland and new clothes and accessories in New Look.
annacate7720 July 2012, 15:07 I would use the love2shop vouchers at Debenhams to update my wardrobe!
annox20 July 2012, 15:07 I would love to shop with b and q and get some new garden furniture to enjoy the summer (its going to be an Indian summer, right!)
vernell20 July 2012, 14:49 A tablet for my husband for Christmas and then put the rest towards fake grass from Homebase as with the terrible summer we have had, my lawn seems to be made of mutant grass, all the rain is making it grow soooo quickly!!!
lindsey6620 July 2012, 14:18 I would shop at argos as they have great deals and loads of things to buy!!!
20 July 2012, 13:34 Iceland's finest frozen sausage rolls.
busylizzie20 July 2012, 13:26 I would shop at Debenhams for a comfortable new bed and maybe some new bed linen too.
GSeale20 July 2012, 12:51 Would love to use Love to shop card as i'm expecting baby no.3 in 2 weeks... So Boots, Mothercare, Argos, elc & Toys r Us would all be usefull to buy baby essentials!
20 July 2012, 12:21 I would buy a new laptop and shop until I drop, cause I love shopping.
Sammys_Stuff20 July 2012, 12:16 Id love to buy all my holiday clothes with it, make my daughters holiday even more special
Juzza1220 July 2012, 12:11 It's my mum's 60th birthday in September so i'd give the card to her
eleanor71220 July 2012, 12:07 I would usse it in Iceland to buy some quallity food for a change :-)
ath00720 July 2012, 11:52 House purchase going through after divorce and all that trauma and expense! Thought Argos would be a good choice as I could get a lot of items for the home. Thanks for the competition.
robbo86otm20 July 2012, 10:52 I think it would be down to comet for a new washing machine as i've had to mop a puddle up today
20 July 2012, 10:28 I would be straight to Halfords for a new mountain bike.
m0nkeyb0y20 July 2012, 10:10 Were I to win £500 credit on a Love2Shop card I would be straight off to Comet to buy a brand new iPad :drool:
cinderskelly20 July 2012, 09:56 I would treat myself to a few nice things to cheer me up as I have just split up from a long relationship and I would buy my mum something nice for having me back home.
Noddy6420 July 2012, 09:55 This would definately be an early xmas for my 3 yr old grandson! I would take him to the toy shop & Let him run free to choose his toys!
20 July 2012, 09:36 I would completely kit out my spare room and turn it into a bedroom for my 4 month old niece. That way I could give my sister a break from being a new single mum and give her a break once in a while!
russjones620 July 2012, 09:29 My brother and his girlfriend are having a baby and I dont have much money to spend on the baby when it arrives, so I would give it to them as they need it more, and deserve it more than me! I don't really think that I need it but it would be an amazing gift on christmass as the baby is due on Christmas day!!
helenbaggett20 July 2012, 09:28 I have about £100 payable soon I hope - my fridge is on the way out so I would put it towards a new fridge. I think this is an brilliant offer and I cannto wait to be able to apply for one
deadleg2120 July 2012, 09:22 I would stock up for iceland as going to start masters in sep so need quick and easy food :)
cashback220 July 2012, 09:16 My mum loves shopping in Iceland, so I would give her the GiftCard so the Xmas shopping is done and dusted.
20 July 2012, 09:14 I would use it to spend in Toys r Us in the baby section and buy all the essentials I need for my baby due in 14 weeks :) Thanks for the giveaway
20 July 2012, 09:13 I think i'd have to be really shellfish and blow the whole thing in Iceland on Prawn rings...
kayleigh3920 July 2012, 09:09 I would save the vouchers for Christmas presents. I have a big family - 3 sisters, 6 nephews, 4 neices and a mother and father. When you all live doors between each other it does become expensive! I would shop in Argos as they have so many different things from adults to babies. My sister is having another baby and it's great to see Argos doing baby clothes too.
20 July 2012, 09:08 I would splurge it all on shoes and handbags. You can never have too many shoes or hangbags!
Daised20 July 2012, 08:58 I'd save the money and then use it to get Christmas pressies for all my family from a number of different shops like debenhams and Argos and definitely toy r us for the kids pressies!
bigglesbj120 July 2012, 08:39 It's got to be toys r us what a fantastic chance to get all the grandchildreen's toys for christmas.
20 July 2012, 08:24 Having just got divorced and having to start from scratch I would use the £500 to buy some new things for the house for my 2 kids and me.
fdastyla120 July 2012, 08:23 I would shop any-where and everywhere its accepted and have a whale of a time.
Threestars20 July 2012, 08:21 I would do what most men are forced to do ,give the money to my wife so that she could spend it on herself and the kids and if by any miracle their is anything left over you never know she might buy me something !
nealb520 July 2012, 08:13 My daughters 21st birthday is coming up at the beginning of September so it would be Iceland - lots of food for the party!
carolinelouise20 July 2012, 08:06 I would spend the £500 on a holiday for me and my bf at love2travel :-)
20 July 2012, 08:00 Hmv and get lots and lots of Xbox 360 games
20 July 2012, 07:55 I would spend spend spend in Debenhams I adore the perfume and cosmetics.
lljwagg20 July 2012, 07:44 Why House Of Frazer? Because it's a store that has practically everything under one roof and gives me a chocolate box selection of things to buy that I need, rather than just going to (for example) a shoe shop. Now that is a fabulous prize indeed! Good luck everyone :)
beclee0920 July 2012, 07:44 I would choose ToysRUs so I can spoil my children and grandaugher. They would love lots of new toys.
ahol20 July 2012, 07:26 It would have to be babiesRus as my partner is having our first child in January
geeteeuk20 July 2012, 07:21 As the competition started on July 18th rather than from the day they launched the card I can't enter as I requested my card from TopCashback on 30th June and got it on 7th July.

Play fair TCB and enter those who ordered early.
hanbanana20 July 2012, 06:57 I would spend it on a beautiful Buzz Lightyear bed for my 16 month old son so he can stop sleeping in my bed :)
20 July 2012, 06:49 I would spend it in New Look and get myself some new outfits. Also in La Senza to get some nice new underwear. I would spend the rest on my husband and baby girl and some nice treats for them:-)
20 July 2012, 03:26 Debenhams for myself and gifts for family and friends....
pitpie120 July 2012, 02:53 Would love to shop in all the retailers - spend - spend - spend
sjr198820 July 2012, 02:14 I would love to buy myself a brand new phone from Argos!
powderpuff9920 July 2012, 01:31 If I won £500 I would spread where I spent them as they are so versatile. I'd spend some in Debenhams, some in Matalan, some in Argos to name but a few - but I would save them for Xmas as they are handy for any last minute presents
cvgmail20 July 2012, 00:34 A camera from Comet and paint from Wilkinsons.
20 July 2012, 00:07 I would have a love to shop card to use in all clothing stores such as bank, arc, republic, river island and top shop, so then id have some gorgeous clothes for my holiday next year !
luci519 July 2012, 23:53 I would probably use it at Argos as we have one locally. They have a great range of goods and I love being able to reserve online and pick up knowing the goods are in stock. On second thoughts I might use it to buy a new pc so a trip to Comet might be in order.
Tazadoobii19 July 2012, 23:40 I'd give it all to my mum, she deserves it more than me.
Natalie201119 July 2012, 23:38 Fantastic News!!! I usually save all year for live2shop cards and vouchers for Christmas. This year, as for many, had been a tight year and cut backs have been made.This will give me a bonus by allowing me to have a little more to spend on my family and friends for the festive period. I would spend my gift card in Toys r us, House of Fraser and Beaverbrooks (beaverbooks, to buy a little something nice for my mom to say thank you for all you have done for us o er the past years) xx
Vakhida19 July 2012, 23:12 I would buy laminate flooring for my living room...
Gracespends19 July 2012, 23:01 Omg! I just love 2 shop and want to avoid any more stress so if I won,... That's Christmas sorted and stress avoided ! What a wonderful solution.
19 July 2012, 22:51 I would love to go to toys r us and buy my 4 mini me's there Xmas presents and have a fun day out hitting the shops even more so while the sales are on what's better than free money as well as more for ya money :-)
19 July 2012, 22:49 I would buy a laptop from Comet for my daughter who is going to University and needs all my help and support.
19 July 2012, 22:30 Love2shop, love to spend and love to get cashback yeah
alino19 July 2012, 22:25 I'd go to Iceland to fill up the freezer, and a love2shop cashcard would make it much easier.
19 July 2012, 22:06 I would totally spoil my gorgeous little girls and buy all their Christmas pressies with it, so I don't have to worry about it nearer the time- there's soo much id like to buy them but it's all about having the cash!! But good luck to everyone that enters i'm sure the winner will be a worthy one!! Xoxo
Rawlad19 July 2012, 21:36 Wow what a stroke of genius!
Topcashback does it again.
This is a briliant idea, I can't wait to claim my Love2shop reloadable gift card.
I can use it in all my favourite shops, and use up my ever increasing cash back.
Thanks again Topcashback - you really are top!!!!!
Lizzie11319 July 2012, 21:30 I'd like to buy a few presents for people for all the support they've given to me over the last few years.
rainbowfae19 July 2012, 21:28 There's no way I could just choose one store!

I'd want to go to toys r us to get some toys for my son.

Boots, to get some pampering things for myself.

And Argos to get some household items for when my fiancee and i, finally, get a home together.

Plus some wee gifts for some people; something for my mum to make her feel better whilst she's ill, and a great wedding gift for my sister as she's married in Sept.

Soo much I could do with £500, am a super bargain shopper! (I'm the one my friends come to when they want a bargain)
ygarz19 July 2012, 21:24 I would use it at House of Fraser to get a nice Paul Smith suit! Thank you TopCashBack for always trying to get us a good deal!
Alibur12319 July 2012, 21:19 I would love to increase my dvd and cd collection so I would probably spend most of it at hmv but I would also need to get a storage unit from argos to put them all in!
hiany19 July 2012, 21:16 I love love2shop - I have been collecting love2shop vouchers & Giftcard is even more a brilliant idea. If I wins £500 i'll spend them in Debenhams, River Island and House of Fraser
19 July 2012, 21:16 I will use the gift card with Jessops to buy some lenses for my Canon dslr...
cellodavid19 July 2012, 20:54 I'd like to treat a few people to a present - with £500 there'd be enough to share around.
jazzyjrl19 July 2012, 20:47 MoneyMoneyMoney
KayJones19 July 2012, 20:36 Would have to be toys r us for me to get my daughter some xmas/Birthday presents to save my money later in year!
Denise Robinson19 July 2012, 20:34 I would love to win the £500 to spend on lovely ingredients to bake so that I can continue to take in lovely cakes, bisuits and other treats for my work colleagues and Multi Disciplinary Team Members in Cancer Services - sweetening the day whilst helping cancer patients
19 July 2012, 20:31 I want a Love2Shop Card because I am going to grad school this fall and I cannot afford a computer. But I will need one to do my studies.
19 July 2012, 20:28 (T)v
(P)ink fairy lights
(A)pple ipad
(S)now White Doll
(H)ot tub
(A)pple iphone
19 July 2012, 20:28 (T)v
(P)ink fairy lights
(A)pple ipad
(S)now White Doll
(H)ot tub
(A)pple iphone
19 July 2012, 20:27 (T)v
(P)ink fairy lights
(A)pple ipad
(S)now White Doll
(H)ot tub
(A)pple iphone
19 July 2012, 20:25 I would love to win so I could go to Matalan an buy all new clothes for my two babies as they have outgrown everything an are desperate for new ones but im never that lucky goodluck an well done to the winner x
19 July 2012, 20:22 Its got to be Toys r Us for me great chance to get all the kids Christmas presents in one hit.
19 July 2012, 20:22 I would spend the £500 gift card at toys r us on my 3 children, or matalan or debenhams and kit us all out with new clothes :)
19 July 2012, 20:18 I would luv to use £500 towards a new iPad 3 so I can use it whilst am away in the caravan.
panchal8519 July 2012, 20:15 I would spend the £500 at h Samuel on a first wedding anniversary gift for my wife.
RosieBeverton19 July 2012, 20:15 I would buy lovely new clothes! :)
19 July 2012, 20:12 I would shop at comet and buy an ipad2
kazz10119 July 2012, 20:08 I would like 500 spending money for Debenhams to bye skin care and a new wardrobe. From Kaz21
hula_girl19 July 2012, 20:08 I would use the credit in my local Mothercare to keep my growing toddler in shoes. You only have to blink and already she needs a new pair, so this giftcard would keep her feet, and my bank balance, healthy! Fingers crossed :)
Mmmmmm19 July 2012, 20:07 Definitely some furniture. The house needs a pick me up.
19 July 2012, 20:05 I would go to primark and kit myself out with a new wardrobe of clothes
fantawttw119 July 2012, 20:01 Would treat my 4 boys to gifts and treats for the long 6 week school holidays
BeanFrog19 July 2012, 19:59 I'd spend my gift card on a romantic meal at Cafe Rouge for my Husband.
19 July 2012, 19:57 I would buy new things from Argos to make the house nicer. Curtains, tv, a new Toaster and Microwave are also a must!! If I was lucky enough for there to be something left I would put it towards a game for my Xbox as I am a big kid at heart!!
2776yvonne19 July 2012, 19:56 I would use the card to buy camping kit. It would be years of joy camping and having fun fun fun...
emsyw19 July 2012, 19:52 I'd be spending it at Homebase, £500 would come in very handy for the en-suite build I have in mind!
5hp19 July 2012, 19:48 Would buy a much needed new tv at argos.
Nick198719 July 2012, 19:46 I would use the £500 to buy a cotbed for my soon to be born son so he can have a nice bedroom from mom and dad
panddda19 July 2012, 19:46 What a great idea having these cards available - would love to win the prize and put it towards groceries, which would then free up the cash we'd normally spend so we can get a decent holiday this summer!
mjcodd19 July 2012, 19:44 Id use the £500 to top up my movie collection and get a ps3. And then would lock myself away for days enjoying it all!
emiliosuarezleon19 July 2012, 19:40 I would go round everyshop I can use the card and treat myself to one or two items from each shop.
Happy days!! And everyone is happy too!!
clarkb219 July 2012, 19:37 A new bike.. Live fit(-ter!) And a new washing machine... It needs replacing!
Leosmummy19 July 2012, 19:37 I would (for once in my life)get organised way before December and spend that lovely £500 Love2shop voucher on pressies from Debenhams and Toys r Us to hide away for my son and lovely family for Christmas (ahh I can feel the stress melting away now!!)

.........And I might even have a bit of change to treat myself :)
19 July 2012, 19:37 I would spend it all on furniture from Argos for my new flat!
PeterStoba19 July 2012, 19:36 I'd love to spend my voucher at Asda as it has all of life's essentials and also loads of extra fun bits that will be useful!
jazza119 July 2012, 19:35 I would use the vouchers in Argos to buy a new washer dryer. The rest would go on Christmas presents for the family.
sasha199219 July 2012, 19:35 If I had £500 love to shop. I'd go into elc and buy my daughter some educational toys for her 1st birthday in october. I'd buy new clothes in new look to replace my maternity range that no longer fit(yes I still wear them lol). I'd get some freezer food from iceland. Theres so much I could do with it.
marktrex19 July 2012, 19:34 If I won £500 I would love to buy lot's of presents for our house as it is in need of some tlc so Hello Argos, homebase + Wilkinsons my old friends its time to visit you again. And if there was a little left over I would spend it on me and my wife with a little pampering

gamadison519 July 2012, 19:34 I'd be off to Comet to get a Android Tablet to keep the godchildren entertained when they visit. Oh and maybe me entertained when they're not!
Rubia19 July 2012, 19:31 I would spend it at Matalan and get myself a new wardrobe.
casablanca7619 July 2012, 19:30 I would love the £500 to spend at homebase for a new front door so our house won't be freezing this winter
trishamop19 July 2012, 19:30 I'd love to have £500 on a card in my purse for when you spot that bargain and don't have the spare cash, save with love to shop for christmas and what a nice bonus that would be, here's hoping!! Good luck, someone's gone be one happy bunny
1136373744019 July 2012, 19:30 I would love to purchase a new 3 and 2 seater sofa from Debenhams (i had one in my online basket last week, after having gone through TopCashback of course) but I didn't have sufficient funds to go through with the purchase. (£500 love to shop voucher) would make it affordable. 0;-)
Novasilence19 July 2012, 19:29 I would go to WHsmith and buy tons of books for my husband and i
Phillips7819 July 2012, 19:28 Missed the retailer name, it's the stress of all the laundry because need a tumble dryer:'-)
Microchip19 July 2012, 19:27 I'd be hitting Argos for a new food processor and kitchen equipment to help out my new found enthusiasm for cooking!
jon888819 July 2012, 19:23 I would use the card to buy a tv for my new flat
Phillips7819 July 2012, 19:22 No need to say why need voucher to buy a tumble dryer for family?????And could get most Eco friendly one to offset carbon footprint doodah ????????
19 July 2012, 19:21 Seen a lovely coker in Comet which the voucher would pretty much cover.
aandd19 July 2012, 19:06 I would use the £500 voucher at Homebase to help restore my garden to its former glory before the summer rains of 2012
georgielocks19 July 2012, 18:34 Desperately in need of a new tumble dryer! Anything left over would buy toys for mt wee grandson :o)
royalsbek19 July 2012, 18:23 I would go to argos to buy a new matress for my bed, needed a new one for a while now.
kaymcgregor19 July 2012, 18:21 I would use it to shop in Argos to start to buy all my xmas shopping because now is the time to get bargains on things like games consoles instead of just before xmas :)
bingosandra19 July 2012, 18:14 If I won I would love to spend it in argos its my daughters 16 coming up and she needs a new tv because on her birthday the tv switch over happens and her old tv wont work
19 July 2012, 18:14 If I won I would buy a new sofa and rug so my living room would be finished
Chocfanatic19 July 2012, 18:07 If I won i'd buy a new tv from argos and treat myself to some new clothes at debenhams.
papayoda19 July 2012, 18:07 I would use the Love2Shop gift card in jessops and treat myself to a camera. I would love to take up photography for a hobby ;-)
Starlet19 July 2012, 17:57 I would spend mine at Matalan, get a new wardrobe for the summer hols :)
princessamanda9819 July 2012, 17:53 I would love to win I would spend the money on my Son in Argos and also get some lovely bits for my house, also i'd treat my lovely husband to whatever he wanted. ;)
Cazze19 July 2012, 17:51 I would probably spend it at Argos, so much variety, new Xbox for my biggest kid (the husband!) And the rest would be split between birthday presents for my boy and house stuff.
elenabuknay19 July 2012, 17:47 I would like to use it in boots to buy nappies,formula milk,baby wipes and childrens clothes n stuff
ROBDOLPHIN6619 July 2012, 17:41 I am not sure exactly what I would buy but I would have a spending spree at Argos as they sell everything from toys to toasters and towels to televisions.
19 July 2012, 17:35 I would Spend the £500 at ToysRus on my son for his birthday!
Metzymems19 July 2012, 17:35 Due to go on our first family holiday at the end of August so it would be new outfits for the four of us at New Look! They do men and childrens clothing as well as womens!
NikiK19 July 2012, 17:33 If I were to win a £500 Love2shop giftcard I would have to buy gifts for the house - we just moved and everyone knows that you need new things in your new home to make it yours! : )
legendkiller2k719 July 2012, 17:32 I would spend mine at Argos as I need a new tv stand and a new xbox.
kazz8319 July 2012, 17:14 I would use my Love2shop gift card at Toys r us getting presents for my little boy.
PaulG198619 July 2012, 13:05 I'd probably get a new suit from Debenhams. The rest I would probably treat my family.
jumapech19 July 2012, 12:01 I would have a Love 2 Shop card to use in Debenhams, We dont have one anywhere near to me and I have a passion for mac make up- with £500 I could treat myself to a set of their fantastic brushes- a dream purchase for me!!
cchan19 July 2012, 10:17 I would go to Argos to buy a new laptop.
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