
Donate from your TopCashback earnings

Below is a list of the available charities you can donate to from your TopCashback earnings when you request a payout.


Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing and homelessness through our advice, support and legal services. And we campaign to make sure that, one day, no one will have to turn to use for help. We're here so no one has to fight bad housing or homelessness on their own.

Charity Type: Homelessness
UK Registered Charity Number: 263710

Shelterbox Trust

The Shelterbox Trust is a registered UK charity that provides emergency aid for victims of natural and other disasters anywhere in the world.Since operations began in January 2001, we have helped an estimated 500,000 people and worked in more than 40 countries – responding to earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, wars, volcanoes etc.

Charity Type: International Aid
UK Registered Charity Number: 1096479


SHINE aims to meet the needs, value the contribution, and celebrate the lives of people living with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. It involves and supports individuals of all ages from birth to older age as well as their families and carers. It also campaigns for parents to receive and act on information which can lead to the prevention of neural tube defects (NTDS).

Charity Type: Disability
UK Registered Charity Number: 249338

Shirley Neighbourhood Care Scheme

The charity helps local elderly to avoid isolation and loneliness and live independently through a range of activities including help with shopping, befriending, medical transport, lunch and film club

Charity Type: Elderly
UK Registered Charity Number: 1137581

Show Racism The Red Card

Show Racism The Red Card (SRtRC) is the UK’s largest anti-racism educational charity. It was established in January 1996, thanks in part to a donation by then Newcastle United goalkeeper Shaka Hislop. To this day SRtRC continues to utilise the high-profile status of football and football players to help tackle racism in society and has also expanded into other sports. The majority of the campaign’s work involves the delivery of educational workshops to young people and adults in schools, workplaces and at events held in football stadiums. Across the UK, SRtRC provides educational sessions to more than 50,000 individuals per year. In addition to the direct education of young people and adults, SRtRC produces educational resources, to challenge misconceptions, stereotypes and negative attitudes in society.

Charity Type: Human Rights
UK Registered Charity Number: 1116971

Shropshire & Staffordshire Blood Bikes

To support the provision of health care, primarily but not exclusively in Shropshire and Staffordshire, by providing dedicated transport services of urgently required medical items such as blood, organs, breast milk (donated by women to feed premature babies), patient notes, biopsies, etc, when normal trust services are unavailable. By the use of volunteers these services are free of charge to the trusts, allowing essential funds to be diverted back into patient care, rather than into transport costs.

Charity Type: Health
UK Registered Charity Number: 1156212

Siberian Transformation Appeal Rescue & Support

Stars rescue is a Siberian husky rescue that takes in unwanted, neglected and/or abused dogs. Where appropriate, we will rehabilitate them to ensure that they are suitable to be housed with the general public. All dogs will be assessed prior to any rehoming; primarily in dedicated foster homes that treat the dogs as their own family

Charity Type: Animals
UK Registered Charity Number: 1167224

Sight Support Debyshire

Sight Support Derbyshire aims to enhance the quality of visually impaired peoples' lives by providing a comprehensive range of services and activities throughout Derbyshire. Far more than just a shoulder to lean on, Sight Support Derbyshire helps provide understanding and education about visual impairment, with a variety of services including a help-line, information days, support groups and activities

Charity Type: Disability
UK Registered Charity Number: 1080986

Skiing with Heroes

To promote and protect the physical and mental health of ex-servicemen and women wounded or injured or rendered sick whilst serving in the armed forces by assisting in their rehabilitation, in particular but not exclusively, through: (1) the provision of skiing opportunities and skiing instruction; and (2) co-operating with, and making grants to, other charities with similar charitable objects.

Charity Type: Health
UK Registered Charity Number: 1149727

Smalls for All

Smalls for All® is a Scottish charity which collects and distributes underwear to help adults and children in Africa and the UK. In Africa, we help those living in orphanages, slums, IDP (internally displaced persons) camps and schools, as well as those in hospitals suffering from medical conditions like obstetric fistula. We operate from the UK and support people and charitable organisations working on projects in Africa who are able to transport and distribute the pants and bras we collect. Our underwear has gone to many countries in Africa, including Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zanzibar and Zimbabwe.We also help charities that focus on alleviating poverty in the UK by providing them with underwear.

Charity Type: International Aid
UK Registered Charity Number: SC041689

Smile Train UK

Every child born with a cleft anywhere in the world has the opportunity to live a full, productive life. Clefts are a major problem in developing countries where there are millions of children who are suffering with unrepaired clefts. Most cannot eat or speak properly. Aren't allowed to attend school or hold a job. And face very difficult lives filled with shame and isolation, pain and heartache. Their clefts usually go untreated because they are poor – too poor to pay for a simple surgery that has been around for decades

Charity Type: Children
UK Registered Charity Number: 1114748


SNDogs ("Saving Needy Dogs") is a Swindon based dog rescue. Formerly "Swindon's Needy Dogs", we now help dogs from all over England and other European countries too.

Charity Type: Animals
UK Registered Charity Number: 1163257

Snowdrop Appeal

The Jasmine & Central Delivery Suite Snow-Drop Appeal has been set up by Greg & Jen to raise £100,000 towards setting up a new Specialist Unit or area for Bereaved Parents of Still Birth, Miscarriage and Early Baby Loss at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth which is ideally situated away from the busy maternity area hopefully easing the trauma and loss they will experience in such tragic times. We also would like to provide specialist support for families to help them through their bereavement and loss with experienced specialised staff.

Charity Type: Health
UK Registered Charity Number: 1048679

Solace Women’s Aid

We’re Solace. For more than 40 years we’ve supported women and children in London to build safe and strong lives. Futures free from abuse and violence. We know that women across London are experiencing domestic and sexual violence right now. Whatever form violence comes in, from rape and trafficking to relationships based on psychological or financial control, we work to end it. But we know escaping violence can be the hardest thing to ever do. That’s why it's so important we’re here. We find creative and innovative ways to support thousands of women and children each year. Stand with us to end violence and abuse now.

Charity Type: Human Rights
UK Registered Charity Number: 1082450

Southcourt Baptist Church

Furtherance of the Christian gospel

Charity Type: Religious
UK Registered Charity Number: 287821

Spaniel Aid UK

Spaniel Aid UK was set up to help with the relinquishment, rehoming and rescue of spaniels. Operating throughout the UK, dogs come in to rescue and are placed with a fosterer where any medical issues are dealt with and a full assessment can be made of the type of home suitable for the dog. People can apply to adopt a dog from our website when they are ready to find their new permanent home.

Charity Type: Animals
UK Registered Charity Number: 1169724

Spanish Stray Dogs UK

This small charity is run entirely by volunteers who help to find forever homes for dogs that have been rescued from the streets of Spain. Most of these dogs have only known sadness, neglect and cruelty. They work together with local pounds to find loving homes in the UK.

Charity Type: Animals
UK Registered Charity Number: SC043486

Sparkle Sheffield

Sparkle Sheffield is the working name of The Reidy Youth Foundation. The charity undertakes projects that engage children, young people and families to take a full and productive role within society by raising awareness of the barriers they face and offering activities, support and mentoring to empower and enrich their lives.

Charity Type: Disability
UK Registered Charity Number: 1126583

Special Kids in the UK

Special Kids in the UK is a charity formed by and run by parents of children with Special Needs over 6 years ago. Completely self funded and voluntary run, Special Kids offers a wealth of support information and forum to anyone caring for a child with special needs. Introducing parents and carers online through a dedicated forum, and encouraging and subsidising our members to get together and share their knowledge and experiences.

Charity Type: Children
UK Registered Charity Number: 1110533


SPICMA reaches out to the poorest and most marginalized of our world. It tries to be there when people fall through the cracks of large projects and it is open to the cries of small communities and individuals who have no way of approaching larger agencies. SPICMA engage in relief and development as is appropriate. We have a special but not exclusive interest in Africa, India and Pakistan. SPICMA established in 1967 keeps its own administration costs to the minimum, and is run by both volunteer workers and trustees

Charity Type: International Aid
UK Registered Charity Number: 270794


SPOONS is a charity which supplies families who experience neonatal care. Our vision is that all families who experience neonatal care in Greater Manchester have access to appropriate support. Our aim is to reduce isolation and build strong communities for those who are navigating the neonatal journey and beyond

Charity Type: Health
UK Registered Charity Number: 1167043

Springer Rescue Scotland

The charity was founded in 2008,Springer Rescue for Scotland is a Scotland based breed specific rescue organisation, with the stated aims that every Springer Spaniel in Scotland should have the chance of a happy, fulfilled life in an appropriate home, and that every person or family that owns a Springer should find this to be a positive experience, and one that enhances their quality of life.

Charity Type: Animals
UK Registered Charity Number: SC040565

Springhill Hospice

The Hospice opened in 1989, and provides Specialist Palliative Care for people with life-limiting illness. In-patient, Day Hospice, Outpatient and 24 hour advice line services are available for patients throughout Rochdale and surrounding areas.

Charity Type: Health
UK Registered Charity Number: 701798

SSAFA Forces Help

From the provision of Health and Social services, to supporting the ex-Service community; from running a confidential support line, to delivering holidays for children with additional needs. We cover a very broad spectrum of issues as you will see on What we do or download our general factsheet. We try to bring our solutions to the widest audience possible - anybody whose life has been touched by time in the Armed Forces

Charity Type: Health
UK Registered Charity Number: 210760

St Andrew's Church Of England Primary School

STAA is the PTFA of St Andrew’s Primary School in Weston, Stafford. Raising money to enrich the experience of the Childrens’ time at school.

Charity Type: Children
UK Registered Charity Number: 1087592

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