Shop for appliances featuring the latest in design engineering and science and buy online for less by taking advantage of our Dyson discount code and cashback deals. Back in the 1970s, James Dyson, frustrated with the diminishing performance of his vacuum cleaner, found that the bags were clogging with dust, causing loss of suction.
Five years later, he had invented the world's first bagless vacuum cleaner, while his company now sells haircare and air treatment products, as well as lighting and hand dryers for business customers. Whatever you buy, each one of their machines comes with a free parts and labour guarantee, while they also offer free standard delivery, as well as tools and spares for their cleaning solutions, such as post filters.

Powered By Dyson Cyclone Technology
Whether you need something to clean your carpet, a hard floor in the kitchen or furniture, you will find an extensive range of vacuum cleaners for any task. Choose one of Dyson's cordless vacuums, such as the V6, for easy floor to ceiling cleaning, while their robot vacuums have the most powerful suction of any robot vacuum and feature patented Dyson cyclone technology, their digital motor and a unique 360 degree vision system.
Their upright vacuums, including the Cinetic Big Ball Animal, contain cyclones which capture more dirt and microscopic dust than any other, so improving your health, while their cylinder vacuums remove dust from all floors and allow you to move around your home with greater control.
Purchase one of their handhelds, which are light, cord-free and provide great power, and you will be able to clean anywhere in your home or car, while you can also buy durable accessories. Their Dyson Supersonic hairdryer offers intelligent heat control and a powerful digital motor, while you will also discover purifiers, fans, heaters and humidifiers, which you can save on with our Dyson deals when you sign up to TopCashback by completing the form at the bottom of this page.