Eden.co.uk believe that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.
As individuals and communities grow in their relationship with Him, understand and apply His teaching to their lives, they will be transformed.
For centuries, followers of Jesus - teachers, writers, musicians and artists - have used their God given talents to create works of literature, music and art to inspire their generation, to help them grasp the relevance and meaning of Christ’s teachings and to let it transform lives.
At Eden.co.uk we work passionately to connect individuals and groups with books, music, video and resources to help them grow in their spiritual understanding, development, in their Christian mission, and worship.
Through our websites, Eden.co.uk and Christian.co.uk, we curate vast amounts of Christian content, using what we learn from almost 3 Million visitors each year to make it available to people everywhere in the most helpful way possible.
Through online community and social networking we help Christians across 151 countries connect with and grow with one another...to the Glory of God.