Did you know that February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day? This international day aims to encourage people to do something nice for other people, whether it’s friends, family, colleagues, or strangers.
Brightening someone’s day can have a domino effect, inspiring others to pass on acts of kindness throughout their day.
As we’re a money-saving site, we’ve got lots of free and easy ideas, but we’ve also included some that involve spending money (but only a little). Alternatively, you can donate your time to helping others.
Read on to find out our 50 favourite ways to spread kindness; to other people, animals, and the planet. We’ve even got personal tips from our very own staff members at TopCashback.
What is Random Acts of Kindness Day?
Beginning back in 1995 in San Francisco, this international day was started by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation (RAK). Its unique purpose quickly caught on and spread worldwide, and February 17th is now recognised in lots of countries.
You can celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week from February 9th–15th, or participate for the whole month if you’d like. Brightening someone’s day can have a ripple effect on you and people around you, inspiring a community of kindness.
Free & easy ideas
You don’t have to spend time or money to spread kindness. As a money-saving site, of course we’ve got you covered with ideas for free activities.
1. Give a smile or compliment to a stranger
It doesn’t get easier than this. Giving a heartfelt smile or compliment to someone you don’t know can really brighten their day.
2. Donate old blankets and towels to an animal shelter
Skip the landfill waste and help out some shelter animals? Seems like a no-brainer to us. You can also stop and say hello to some of the animals while you’re there.
3. Call a friend for a chat
In a world of WhatsApp and memes, why not pick up the phone and have a real conversation? It’s a great and unexpected way of connecting with someone, and you’ll both benefit from good, old-fashioned quality time.
4. Offer help to someone who needs it
Does someone need help with directions, carrying food shopping, getting through a heavy door? Ask and offer when you’re out and about.
5. Introduce yourself to a neighbour
Got a neighbour you’ve never talked to? Knock on their door to introduce yourself. Connecting with neighbours is a good way to create a sense of community, and a neighbour you’re on good terms with is worth its weight in gold.

6. Reach out to someone you lost touch with
Got a friend or family member where the two of you just drifted apart? Reach out to them to say hello and say you were thinking of them. Making the first step goes a long way and could start a brand new bond.
7. Give up your seat
Next time you’re on a full bus or train, let someone sit down while you stretch your legs.
8. Give and lend to neighbours
Use the sharing app Olio to give away and lend all kinds of things to your neighbours. Share food you won’t use or lend household appliances for a one-off. You can also become a Food Waste Hero to pick up and share unsold food from shops. We’ve got a handy guide all about how to use Olio.
We spoke to Lou, who has done a similar act of kindness in the past:
"My dad and I collected Tesco's donations and end of day food for a local food bank, dropped it all off, and sorted it into their collection area and fridges.
I wanted to do something to help support the important work being done by the food bank for people in the local community, while also helping to reduce food waste."
9. Research, sign & share petitions you believe in
Whether you’re passionate about climate change, animal welfare, or free school meals, head to Change.org to find, sign, and share campaigns that you care about.
10. Send a thoughtful message
Next time you have a good or funny memory of someone, let them know you were thinking of them.
11. Arrange a get together with a friend
Be the one to make the effort and arrange a meet up for coffee, drinks, dinner, or a walk.

12. Write a review
Got a local business you love? Write them a glowing review online.
Becca from TopCashback likes to do this regularly:
"If I go somewhere and a member of staff leaves a lasting positive impression, I always try to leave a review somewhere online (such as their website or on Tripadvisor) and name-drop them. I think it's a really nice way to make someone smile, without spending any money.
I like to think they might get a gift or cash bonus from their employer, and I know that can make a huge difference. But even if they don't - I think it's just a nice thing to do."
13. Let someone ahead of you at the shop
Not in a rush? Let the person behind you jump the queue, just because.
14. Stop for a chat with a homeless person
Next time you walk past someone sleeping rough, stop and ask them a question or two. A simple conversation can be a great way to spark a human connection.
15. Invite a friend for some exercise
Share a walk with a colleague, a yoga class with a friend, or a gym sesh with a family member. Boost your mental and physical health and improve your bond.

16. Sign up for organ donation
Organ donation is an opt-out system in England and Wales and opt-in for Scotland and Northern Ireland. Either way, registering for organ donation ensures medical staff can use your organs to save a life after you pass.
17. Make a round of drinks for your colleagues
Next time you make a cup of tea, go around and get a drinks order from the people you work with.
Karen from TopCashback always makes a round for her team in the office:
"I grew up in a household of six, so when the kettle went on you always checked to see who else wanted one. Big trouble if you didn't ask. So it's now ingrained that I make a drink for everyone and never just for myself. We used to say no mug left behind."
Ideas that require time
Spontaneous, everyday actions can brighten someone’s day, but you can always choose to invest some more time into your random acts of kindness.
18. Donate blood
Blood transfers can save a life, so why not donate some? Head to blood.co.uk to find your nearest donation centre and register for their next event.
19. Bake a cake or casserole for a neighbour
This one’s a step up from introducing yourself – give them the gift of food. Whether you’re a cook or a baker, there’s something heartfelt about a home-cooked treat (and they may return the favour in future).
20. Do a clearout and donate to charity
Thoroughly sort out all of your home decor and wardrobe items to see what you don’t need anymore. Donate mindfully to charity shops asking for items – call them up in advance to see what they’re in need of.
21. Plant a tree
Do your bit for the environment and find a tree-planting event near you. Why not invite friends and make it a fun group event?

22. Donate your time to your local place of worship
If you’re a member of a place of worship, ask about anything you can volunteer your time to, like kids’ activities, collection plates, or events.
23. Provide phone conversations to those who need it
Volunteer with Silver Line, a charity that means older people living on their own can have a conversation when they need it. Sign up via their website to volunteer your time, although be aware you may need a DBS check.
24. Make a playlist
Compile your favourite songs that remind you of a friend and share it with them.
25. Bring cakes into the office
Spend an evening baking cakes or muffins and share them at the office. Bonus: you’ll be very popular for the day.
Poppy from the TopCashback London office told us:
"As an office, we decided to take it in turns bringing in some baked goods over Black Friday, as it can be our busiest week of the year!
Not only did we get to try some delicious homemade food but it was really nice to put some time aside to do something for those who might be having a stressful week.
It was lovely to chat to everyone about what they made and try an amazing range of baked goods from classic brownies to a Spanish Tarta de Santiago."
26. Build a borrow library in your front garden
Got some DIY skills? Set up a borrow library in your front garden with books you’re happy for people to borrow and bring back, which they can do the same with.

27. Volunteer
Got a local charity shop, soup kitchen, or shelter? They’re always looking for volunteers, so why not donate some of your time to helping them out?
28. Visit your elderly family members
Elderly family members can get lonely, so schedule a visit to see them and catch up together. Bring photos to take a trip down memory lane, or even find out about unknown family history.
29. Host a dinner party for friends just because
Be the reason your friends get together and set up a dinner party. You can organise the whole dinner yourself or opt for a potluck theme where everyone brings something.
30. Build a bee hotel in your garden
Good with a drill and woodworking? Turn your garden into a bee sanctuary by building a bee hotel south-facing near good pollinating plants. Here’s a video how-to from RSPB:
31. Litter pick at your local park
Clean up your local green area – all you need is bin bags and gloves. Separate into rubbish and recycling and feel good doing your bit for the local environment.
Looking for more tips on living sustainably? Read our collection of guides on being kinder to the planet.
32. Babysit for a friend
Reach out to a friend with a child and offer to babysit so they can treat themselves to a night (or day) out.
33. Host a clothing swap
Invite friends, family, neighbours, or whoever you want to bring their unwanted clothes and do one big swap in your home. As they say, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

Ideas for kids
If you’ve got little ones learning about Random Acts of Kindness at school, we’ve got some ideas easy for kids of all ages.
34. Help your parents with chores
Kindness and compassion can start at home – help your parents out by asking what you can do to help around the house. Pick up a duster, take out the recycling, post a letter, or help making dinner.
35. Host a charity bake sale at school
Get some friends together and bake your favourite cakes, whether it’s butterfly cakes or easy flapjacks. Sell them at school during lunchtime (with permission!) and donate the money to a charity you believe in.
36. Take the dog for a walk
If you’ve got pets, help your parents out by doing a pet chore. This can be walking the dog, cleaning out the guinea pig cage, or changing the cat litter.

37. Give a friend a book you liked
Lend a friend or classmate a book that you really enjoyed, then talk about what you liked about it after they've finished.
38. Draw a picture for someone you love
Little ones can do something as simple as sitting down to draw something nice for a loved one.
39. Give a friend a compliment
Think of someone in your life you could give a meaningful compliment to. Go beyond looks and compliment something your friend is good at or how they make you feel.
40. Bring your parents breakfast in bed
Treat your parents on a weekend morning by bringing them a cup of tea, cereal, eggs, and whatever they like to eat. This is a nice way to let them know you love them.

41. Help a friend with homework
Homework is boring, so why not help a friend who is struggling with some tricky Maths or Science work?
42. Clean your room
Tidy your room and keep it clean for a week as an act of kindness towards your parents.
Ideas that require money
Maybe you’re practising Random Acts of Kindness for a week or the whole month of February and need some more ideas that involve some spending. We’ve kept these appropriate for small budgets, so most of these ideas require about £5, although of course you can spend more.
43. Donate to a charity
This could be as much or as little as you want. If even half the people participating in Random Acts of Kindness Day donated a small amount to their favourite charity, that would be a lot of money towards good causes!

44. Pay it forward
Next time you’re at a cafe, pay for an extra coffee and ask the barista to give it to the next person to order one.
45. Donate to a food bank
Buy extra pantry items during your next food shop and donate them to the food bank collection after checkout.
46. Send letters or postcards
Stamps aren’t cheap, so this idea belongs here! Send letters, postcards, or notecards to a few friends and family. It’s always nice receiving something in the post that isn’t a bill.

47. Make a care package
Got a friend or family member going through a rough patch? Make up a care package or hamper with all their favourite little treats to let them know you care.
48. Buy supplies for your local school
Schools are often under-funded, so why not enquire what supplies and resources they are low on and buy some?
49. Buy supplies for your local pet shelter
Kongs, tennis balls, litter trays, bowls, and collars are all welcomed supplies at pet shelters. Buy what you can and drop them off at your local shelter.
50. Adopt a wild animal
‘Adopt’ a tiger, elephant, gorilla, or many other endangered animals via WWF. You’ll get regular updates about what your donation does to support your animal of choice.

Keep the kindness ripple going
Being kind is contagious, and you might find that you want to continue with a small act every day for the rest of the month.
Why not share with friends and family and make it an annual event you all participate in? You could keep each other updated on new ideas and share your activities on social media.
What budget-friendly thing could you do today to be kinder? Let us know in the comments.
A simple text to a family member or friend to let them know you are thinking of them and are appreciative of their love/friendship.
Fairly regularly bus user but not enough to warrant buying a weekly, monthly or yearly pass? Do you buy your tickets from the driver on the day you travel? If so, check your bus company app instead and see if they offer Flexible tickets where you buy a block of day tickets in advance that are discounted.
Great tip, thanks Dave!
Help elderly neighbour with her bins.
Peg out your washing, sunny & windy, save the planet & your leccie bill
Use uber fresh Mondays to buy all your fruit and veg for the week when it's 50% off
Thanks for the money-saving tip Alan!
I'm going on a walk tonight so I'm going to take my litter picker and a bag and see what I can collect up
Cook an extra portion of food for your neighbor
Make a care package with items from unused Christmas presents for the local Womens shelter
What a great idea Carla, love this!
Say good morning to everyone at work when I go in to the office and bring biscuits
Say good morning
Donate an item to my local hedgehog rescue shelter
Put my neighbours bin out
Put my neighbours bin out. On correct day.
Call a friend who is unwell
Say hello and speak to people you pass whilst out walking. You never know, you might be the only person to speak to them that day
Donate to a charity
Pay for someone's bus ticket.
What a brilliant idea
Feed, water and care for my local wildlife, birds, hedgehogs, foxes & deer.
Smile at everyone you see
Help elderly neighbours with shopping
Take a few of my homemade cupcakes to my neighbour
I would donate my old towels and blankets to an animal shelter.
Give a donation to a charity
Introduced myself to new neighbour and baked them some cakes this weekend.
Also invited them to the upcoming local pub quiz to help them settle into the area.
This is a great way to create a community!
Say thank you to the waiter where I have coffee and tell him what a great job he does and what a lovely welcoming smile he has.
Pay a stranger a compliment 😊
Make a cake to take to work for everyone
Buy someone who's homeless & out in the cold something hot to eat & drink & give them something warm to wrap themselves up in
I let someone with a young child go in front of me in the shop queue.
Registered for 11 mile walk for a charity for Dream Factory
Its called 3 stadium dream challenge
I live in a block of flats and over the years when I took my rubbish down to the compound I took as much of my neighbours' as I could carry too. This has got less and less as the years go by but my intention is still there. I hope they understand if they get missed
Go & visit family & friends more often as would be lovely to catch up & chat
Brought my sister a delicious pistachio latte 😛
Make time for family & friends & visit more often
Although in my late seventies, I often visit older neighbours, just to say hello, that’s all it takes to make someone happy.
Take out the recycling so that my other flatmates don't have to do it
Donate to food bank 🥫🍪🍛
Visit an elderly person.
What a lovely post for national kindness day! Real food for thought xx
Thank you Laura, hope you found it useful 🙂
Donating my old clothes to the food bank
Smile at people. It costs nothing and makes you, and others, feel better!
I have offered over the last few years a free therapy session for 4 people individually. Where we devised & they recorded a personalised safe calm place to help manage anxiety/ stressful times, This gave them a hard copy on their phones that they can use when needed.
Buy some extra tinned food to donate to the food bank
Definitely like to pay it forward
Bunch of flowers for the lady who bakes for the blokes in the Mens Shed and never wants paid for it.
Pack an elderly persons shopping for them in a supermarket….and if you have the means pay for it too
Volunteer for my local Wildlife Trust
I’m in hospital at moment been here for a week and I’ve met a lovely old lady who’s petrified of being left alone,so my act of kindness is looking after her and reassurancing her she’s going to get better and go home soon, also helping her eat and drink because the NHS are rushed off they feet and don’t have enough staff.
What a lovely thing to do Jennifer, we love this!
Donating to food banks and the homeless people