I love your website and service! How can I thank you?

It warms the cockles of our hearts when members tell us this – so feel free to send a general enquiry telling us how much you like us. :-)

The best way to thank us is simply to tell and encourage other friends and family members to join. Not only that, but perhaps explain and encourage them to make that first purchase or click on our site. Many members have difficulty understanding the concept initially – but once they make that first step, then they are away.

Also, if you would like to share your experience of TopCashback with others, then please Submit a Testimonial

Alternatively, if you think you have skills which we could use, then always feel free to let us know.

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Did you know?

"In 2005 we helped people save on £50,000 worth of their shopping, today as the UK's leading cashback site, we're helping people to save on over 1 billion pounds worth of shopping every year."