Email Policy
We hate spam
We do not sell, buy, rent or trade email addresses with anyone else and adhere to industry recommendations and best practices. All personal information is stored by us securely and not shared in any way unless necessary for the processing of your cash back. You can find more details in our anti-spam and privacy policy. Also, for your peace of mind, at any point you can unsubscribe from our emails or service.
Email Subscription Preferences
The emails which TopCashback will send you are optional. We will send you emails to inform you of your transactions and your account information, updates to your enquiries and alerts when there are new blogs, newsletters or offers. You can unsubscribe from our various email types at any time from your account settings or from the link provided at the bottom of all of our emails.
Site Unsubscribe
You can unsubscribe from the website at any time, this will be actioned automatically and immediately and will result in no further emails being sent.