Pay As You Go insurance is an option for young drivers who’s mileage is less than 3500, or they simply don’t drive regularly. It provides the freedom to pay for the miles they drive - starting with 500 or 1000 miles, and selecting their preferred auto top up amount which will automatically update when they’re down to 50 miles.
Miles are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase (or top up), and drivers can keep track of how many miles they have left on Marmalade's handy app. The policy works with a Black Box tag, which is a small device that is stuck to the back of the rear-view mirror. The device is paired with the app, which allows young drivers to keep an eye on miles used and remaining. As the tag functions with black box technology, it also allows for young drivers to earn badges and streaks for safe driving!
Pay As You Go offers:
fully comprehensive cover
no curfews or night-time driving restrictions
young drivers can build their own No Claims Discount for every claim free year
if they choose the option to get Pay As You Go on a parent’s car, the car owners No Claims Discount will remain protected in the event the young driver needs to make a claim