In 2013, a devoted team of fashion-craving individuals went out on a quest to combine their strong passion for denim with their love for cutting-edge design. Ultimately, this led to the creation of Noisy may – an authentic fashion brand for the cheeky young fashionista, who’s in constant search for fashion to match her vibrant personality and go-getter way of life.
Noisy may aspires to one clear objective: to be number one in denim. This devotion is reflected in the attention given to the design and craft of world class jeans that matches every mood, body shape and style. Noisy may jeans are thus authentically made by skilled professionals, who know how to make denim work for you and your lifestyle.
There is nonetheless so much more to Noisy may than just the perfect pair of jeans. The unique mix between craftsmanship and fashion characterizes the Noisy may collection as a whole, and makes it the ultimate choice for the fashion-forward girl, always seeking to stand out and reflect her carefree attitude and independency through her on-trend style and fashion.