Attract wild birds and other wildlife to your garden and help raise funds for conservation projects in the process when buying from the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Shop. You’ll find a wide range of bird-friendly products, including bird food, bird tables, bird watching binoculars, RSPB gifts, wildlife books and more.
They’ll help you attract wild birds to your garden with their quality feeders and nutritious food for wild birds, which form part of an extensive range. As well as essentials for birds, such as bird bath options, there are also nature-themed gifts, including fashion and homewares. They also sell gift cards, which make great presents. RSPB Shop UK has strong sourcing policies to ensure they produce and sell goods which complement conservation.
The RSPB is the UK’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home and secure a healthy environment for wildlife. As well as bird food and bird care, they also sell wildlife & garden products, plus gifts, clothing, home items, books and stationery. You’re sure to find some fabulous RSPB Shop offers and you can earn cashback if you go through us.

Bird Food and Bird Care
If you want to attract birds to your garden, choosing the right bird food is essential. At RSPB Shop, you’ll find food for your feeders and tables which will suit every type of bird and feeder. There’s straight bird seed and seed mixes, such as sunflower hearts and nyjer seeds.
However, you can also buy suet cakes and nibbles, plus fat balls, peanuts and mealworms. Basically, there’s food for many types of birds. If you have a favourite bird or just want to attract as many species as possible, there’s plenty of tempting bird food. Bird feeders are a great way to feed wild birds and you’ll find different types of feeders for different species.
There are seed, super suet balls and nut hanging bird feeders, as well as ground feeders, ideal for different types of food. You can also buy a window feeder if you want to be able to watch them from inside your home. If you’re not sure what type of feeder you need, there’s a handy guide on the RSPB UK website. If you want various feeders, a feeding station could be the ideal solution.
It holds multiple feeders and allows you to feed different species of birds. You can customise it to suit the birds you want to attract to your garden. Bird tables look good and are practical as the food you put on it will be easily accessible, while if you want to provide water — either for drinking or bathing — why not get a bird bath too? These are particularly important during winter and hot summer months.
Finally, if you’d like birds to nest in your garden, you can provide a safe, snug environment with an RSPB bird house or nest box. They’re carefully designed to have the right dimensions and ventilation. Once you’ve got them in your garden, easily spot them with compact binoculars and scopes. Whatever feed and care products you need, you should check out RSPB Shop offers.