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Sage Appliances - Breville Reviews
Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with Sage Appliances - Breville.
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Sage Appliances - Breville Reviews
Reward obtained timely
It was just great and I get my reward in timely fashion.
magician | 20 Sep 2023
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Spurious declines
Great kettle descaler - my kettle is transparent so it's important that it works (and I would be able to see if it didn't).
However be wary about cashback, I followed all the advice, deleted cookies etc and clicked via TopCashback as there was a bonus that day. It declined as TCB weren't the last referrer (it was impossible that this was the case). Great products but don't rely on them to honour cashback.
sonicspanner | 22 Aug 2023
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Incorrectly calculated cashback - multiple times
Whilst the cashback is confirmed quickly if you buy more that one item it will not calculate it correctly. The 'snippet' of data that is tracking the order has been incorrectly set to track the unit value rather than the order total. I have raised the issue with TopCashBack, but they aren't bothered. Whilst they did, last time, increase the cashback paid, you shouldn't have to keep chasing.
Someone_Somewhere | 08 Aug 2023
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Didn't track, but missing claim was resolved very fast and money was payable straight away
Mark_Emerson | 27 Oct 2022
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