Get up to £42.00 of your purchase back when you shop with RSA echoice Car Insurance Join TopCashback Free
Get up to £42.00 of your purchase back
when you shop with RSA echoice Car Insurance

RSA echoice Car Insurance Reviews

Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with RSA echoice Car Insurance. Log in to review
RSA echoice Car Insurance Reviews
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Cashback tracked at zero. Opened case after 3 months. Still nothing after a further 3 months. AVOID UNLESS CHEAPEST WITH NO CASHBACK.
  DLiquidator75 | 28 Mar 2013 Report Abuse
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And yet after 8 months still no cash back! No reply from them at all. Stay away if you ware looking for cash back from this company.
  TheDetox | 28 Mar 2013 Report Abuse
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After taking out car insurance back in Aug I finally received my cashback this week. After my cashback tracked at £0 and was rejected back in Oct, I put in a claim and a couple of nudges as time went by I gave up getting anything, but by surprise I was paid £45.00. I would like to thank topcashback for there help and good service.
  beard | 25 Mar 2013 Report Abuse
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Well to be fair I had to come back and post, after venting on here I have now got my cashback. Policy bought July 12 now paid, March 13. Thank you topcashback :-)
  anewtv | 23 Mar 2013 Report Abuse
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Bought car insurance in July 2012, policy still inforce. Did not track, put in a claim in October, which has had no response although have nudged several times. Although I paid in full 10 days before my old insurance expired when I checked with askmid on the first day of my new policy my car showed as uninsured. I will not be renewing with them, their website is very poor and I could not get any of my documents.
  anewtv | 18 Mar 2013 Report Abuse
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If you buy with cash back in mind, just a warning from me, I bought car insurance in August 2012, placed a claim in October and has just come back as resolved but unpaid. i dread to think what problems will arise with them if I need to put a claim after an accident. I shall not be using this company again, even if insurance with others is more expensive.
  tonyrees4 | 04 Mar 2013 Report Abuse
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Cashback great, company and customer service worse than useless.
  andywar | 02 Mar 2013 Report Abuse
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RSA echoice did not track and no cashback received, their main communication came when it was time for renewal, they even sent a reminder in the post. Very disappointed.
  savemore | 23 Feb 2013 Report Abuse
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Cashback came back as 0.00. Paid in full and still have policy and not changed anything. Hope TCB have more luck with it.
  darren1 | 22 Feb 2013 Report Abuse
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their 'fantastic' insurance policy which is somewhere in the post) I've decided to give them the royal salute; As soon as i finish this essay, i will immediatley obtain quotes and purchase elsewhere - EVEN IF IT COST MORE THAN (no pun intend) ECHOICE. Believe me, the few quid saved at the beginning has cost me loads more in calls, time spent emailing and the hassle-factor this 'shower' reckons they've saved me. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. PLEASE DON'T GO THROUGH WHAT I'VE HAD TO ENDURE. IF YOU DO, LIKE ME, YOU MAY REGRET IT. ok, let's see what Aviva are like: google "aviva reviews"
  cowmilla | 20 Feb 2013 Report Abuse
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***PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU PURCHASE WITH ECHOICE *** I like many others usually choose my car insurance by price - the lowest cost for the cover i require wins my cash. However, the carrot of some nice cashback took me on this one. All looked good. BUT HOLD ON: If the only thing i beg you to do is google "echoice review" and see what a (SELF EDIT: WORD REMOVED) they can be! In no way do i wish to demigrate individual members of staff, who like me bust a gut to make a living, but if consumers vote with their feet (or shall i say policies lol) and the Board, Directors, senoir managers et al analyse their 'customer' feedback - maybe, just maybe this organisation can make good this terrible excuse for an insurance company. Briefly, my problems started on boxing day (26/12/12) as soon as clicked "submit" to pay for my policy. Their website crashed, I recieved no acknowledgement, had no online access to my account, therefore unable to print the necessary documents etc., useless online 'chat' facility where the rep gave out totally misleading information (backed up in the eventual email reply i recieved). I'd rather have boiled my own head - it was that frustrating! After almost a month of this I called again (all at my cost) to query what's going on, I requested they send my certificate by special delivery, rather than 7 to 10 days that they tried to palm me off with. Certificate arrived next day - lo and behold, the policy commencement date had been altered to yesterday (they day i called them!) I called again. They advise that due to a 'systems error', my payment and account had to be set up manually. This also means that the main feature of this policy, namely " can manage this account online..." was no longer available to me - everything had to be done over the phone or by post - ironic "yippee!!" eChoice made no attempt to email, write or call - a matter of courtesy - to tell me about the problem, advise that I was covered and the error THEIR SYS
  cowmilla | 20 Feb 2013 Report Abuse
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SYSTEM caused. Instead, they wrote on 01/02/13 to advise that if payment is not made by the policy expiration day 27 December 2013 (yes, definitely 2013 - i found that weird too) that my policy would be cancelled. Next, my bank statement arrived. I noticed a credit of my policy amount from echoice. I thought: "A refund? Why? I had no letter of explaination. Wanting to stay on the straight and narrow, I call again to get clarification. With the usual call centre security clearance sorted, I kindly request what the hell is going on. Basically, because of this 'systems error', echoice's accounts dept. closed my existing policy, refunded my payment (the credit on my statement) and opened a new policy - all without my knowledge (note for file: THERE GOES MY CASHBACK for what it's worth!!!) I was told in my telephone call earlier today with a customer advisor that they've sent out a demand for payment letter (which i'll probably recieve by the weekend), but were unwilling to document their error, leaving me in a predicament of being technically uninsured if i was to have had an accident, pulled by police etc. They were happy to sarcastically say "...what more do you want? I've just explained everything to you over the phone; however we can take the payment now..." I'm no lawyer, but if my defence came down to "...well, your honour, someone called janice (name made up) told me over the phone that i was insured, but they didn't acknowledge my payment, send me my details etc....." i'd be laughed all the way to the slammer!! Do you see where i'm coming from? I won't bore you any more, suffice to say, that was my experience with echoice JUST TO GET THE DETAILS OF POLICY I HAD TAKEN OUT AND PAID FOR LEGITIMATELY, LET ALONE TRYING TO MAKE OR NAVIGATE A CLAIM!!! I refused to make a payment over the phone as they refused to email me any documentation tracking this issue. So after almost 2 months and having my payment refunded (echoice are awaiting my payment for
  cowmilla | 19 Feb 2013 Report Abuse
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***PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU PURCHASE WITH ECHOICE *** I like many others usually choose my car insurance by price - the lowest cost for the cover i require wins my cash. However, the carrot of some nice cashback took me on this one. All looked good. BUT HOLD ON: If the only thing i beg you to do is google "echoice review" and see what a (SELF EDIT: WORD REMOVED) they can be! In no way do i wish to demigrate individual members of staff, who like me bust a gut to make a living, but if consumers vote with their feet (or shall i say policies lol) and the Board, Directors, senoir managers et al analyse their 'customer' feedback - maybe, just maybe this organisation can make good this terrible excuse for an insurance company. Briefly, my problems started on boxing day (26/12/12) as soon as clicked "submit" to pay for my policy. Their website crashed, I recieved no acknowledgement, had no online access to my account, therefore unable to print the necessary documents etc., useless online 'chat' facility where the rep gave out totally misleading information (backed up in the eventual email reply i recieved). I'd rather have boiled my own head - it was that frustrating! After almost a month of this I called again (all at my cost) to query what's going on, I requested they send my certificate by special delivery, rather than 7 to 10 days that they tried to palm me off with. Certificate arrived next day - lo and behold, the policy commencement date had been altered to yesterday (they day i called them!) I called again. They advise that due to a 'systems error', my payment and account had to be set up manually. This also means that the main feature of this policy, namely " can manage this account online..." was no longer available to me - everything had to be done over the phone or by post - ironic "yippee!!" eChoice made no attempt to email, write or call - a matter of courtesy - to tell me about the problem, advise that I was covered and the error THEIR SYS
  cowmilla | 19 Feb 2013 Report Abuse
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Still waiting for my cash back after 6 months of being on there policy!!! Be careful!
  TheDetox | 04 Feb 2013 Report Abuse
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Cheapest quote,good value,paid in full,tracked quickly & paid 6 months after.
  brum64 | 25 Jan 2013 Report Abuse
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Paid in full, still no cash back 6 months down the line! Disgusting! Wouldn't touch them again and think Top CashBack should remove them from their site.
  Cherrypie | 09 Jan 2013 Report Abuse
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Beware...........i paid for my car insurance in full back in september 2012 and it ia still in force today and this company has refused to pay my went to pending then confirmed and then refused my payment..i have put in a ticket back in October but do not expect any joy....again just beware
  beard | 25 Dec 2012 Report Abuse
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Cheapest quote. Cashback has tracked but at £0.00. Will see if it changes otherwise yet another manual claim!
  1545856017 | 24 Dec 2012 Report Abuse
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Very slow to actually pay out expect at least 6 months. This insurer does not cover you if u drive a vehicle not belonging to you. Why pay for legal cover when there are hundreds of companies out there who will do it for nothing.
  vic_ | 19 Dec 2012 Report Abuse
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Rubbish do not touch with a barge will not get your cashback.con artists.
  BFC | 14 Dec 2012 Report Abuse
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If you are looking for CashBack from this mechant you are wasting your time. Took out Car Insurance back in May 2012, it is now Dec 2012 and no cashback has been received. I will take my business elsewhere when my insurance runs out they obviously can not deliver. What chance do you have if you have a car accident.
  PoloPop | 05 Dec 2012 Report Abuse
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Don't expect cashback from this insurer, been wating over a year. I logged a support ticket with TC in March 2012 and haven't heard anything since. I have asked if there is any update today. I won't expect to recieve the £66.95 promised now. Surprise surprise RSA contacted me by post to get me to renew with them. Have you seen the charges they make if you want to contact them? Seems a bit of a rip off company. Stay clear, no matter what they offer.
  | 30 Nov 2012 Report Abuse
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Took out a new policy as my old one with them ended. My cashback has been refused. I did not renewal old policy. Wont use them again after this, they lost my buiness
  Poppycat | 29 Nov 2012 Report Abuse
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I would not use this insurance company for cash back again. Have had to wait ages for my £40.40 to be come payable only to find that it has come back as £0.00 payable and no cash back will be paid! Then to my disappointment i find that because it has taken well over the 100 days i have to make a claim there is no way i can appeal this. Saying that, they were still the cheapest for my insurance without the cash back but that's not the point is it!!
  Doshe | 19 Nov 2012 Report Abuse
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My transaction is shown as confirmed with an estimated pay date of 30 September. It is now 7 November and no payment. I can't raise a query with Topcashback either as it's more than 100 days since the transaction. Now what?
  LFaulkner | 07 Nov 2012 Report Abuse
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